
FAPESP to support international collaborations in Sustainable Urban Transition Versão em português

Through the Belmont Forum, FAPESP participates in a call that fosters innovative projects in public policies related to the circular economy, urban mobility and green energy.

FAPESP is participating in the third edition of the “Driving Urban Transitions” (DUT) Call for Proposals, promoted by the partnership program of Horizon Europe, the European Commission’s scientific funding agency. The call aims to fund collaborative research projects that seek to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy and functioning.

National/regional funding agencies in more than 30 countries participate in the call. FAPESP joins the call as a member of the Belmont Forum – the multilateral initiative to promote global environment change research – funding the part of the research to be conducted by a team from the state of São Paulo.

Each proposal must have researchers from at least three of the countries represented in this edition – the organization of the Call provides the complete list of participating countries on its website (

The international consortia then formed must develop proposals that address urban challenges in a transdisciplinary way and that result in research and innovation (R&I) projects, focusing on the development of tools and skills to enable public policy makers to boost urgent urban transformations.

Proponents must submit projects that cover one or more of the three themes established by the Call, outlined in the call for proposals’ action plan as “transition pathways”:

1. “Circular Urban Economies” or CUE, whose objective is to support the planning and design of inclusive urban spaces underpinned by circular resource flows, through transformative interventions that understand such spaces in their socio-economic aspects;

2. “15-Minute City” or 15mC, which focuses on developing innovations and policies in sustainable urban mobility and transport that aim to establish carbon-neutral cities, composed of integrated and livable neighborhoods, holistically designed and with major improvements in accessibility and connectivity;

3. “Positive Energy Districts” or PED, which are based on the optimization of energy efficiency, (local) energy generation from renewable sources and energy flexibility, building a portfolio of solutions related to climate neutrality that contribute to the achievement of the COP21 goals and the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Proponents in the state of São Paulo must be well-established researchers, with a proven track record of participation in interdisciplinary international projects, involving the scientific areas of the proposal.

The total resources made available by FAPESP are R$ 7.5 million and the selected projects may last up to 36 months with a maximum budget of R$1.5 million. At FAPESP, proposals must meet the general conditions of the Regular Research Award (, observing the exceptionalities described in the call.

The deadline for submission of pre-proposals (Belmont Forum only) is November 14, 2024. The deadline for submission of full proposals to the Belmont Forum and FAPESP (via SAGe) is April 30, 2025.

The initiative offers a platform to identify partners for proposal submission at

The call for researchers from the state of São Paulo (in Portuguese) is available in