Sylvio Canuto Versão em português

Sylvio Canuto

General Coordinator – Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Full Professor of Physics in the University of São Paulo, he obtained his doctorate at Uppsala University, Sweden, in 1979. He is a CNPq research fellow, level 1A. He is a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, ACIESP (São Paulo State Academy of Sciences) and TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences). In 2018 he received the National Order of Scientific Merit. He has been co-Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal Spectrochimica Acta A (Elsevier) since 2016. He is/was a member of the editorial board of several journals with international circulation and on the occasion of his 60th birthday, the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry dedicated to him a special edition. He was a visiting professor at several universities around the world. He was a member (2011-2018) of the international committee for the UNESCO-L’Oréal Prize Women in Science and is a reviewer to several national and international agencies and commissions. He was a consultant to the Nobel Committee for Physics and Chemistry, for the purposes of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

He was Pro-rector of Research at USP (2018-2022) , coordinator of the Physics and Astronomy area (2011-2018) at CAPES and member of its Superior Council. He was a member (2001-2003) and president of the CNPq advisory committee of Physics and Astronomy. He was a member of the Council of the Brazilian Physical Society and of the Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics, on different occasions.

Since 2023 he is General Coordinator of Sciences, Humanities and Arts at FAPESP. His scientific activity is in the area of ​​Atomic and Molecular Physics, at the interface between physics, quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics and physical chemistry, where he develops activities in Simulation and Molecular Modeling to study spectroscopy, properties and reactivity of molecules. He is the author or co-author of around 300 scientific publications, including articles, books and book chapters.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 09/04/2024