Maria Vitória Lopes Badra Bentley Versão em português

Maria Vitória Lopes Badra Bentley

Advisor to the General Coordination – Health Sciences 5 (Pharmacy)

A pharmacist who completed her Ph.D. in Drugs and Medicines at the University of São Paulo (USP) in 1994 and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Manchester, UK (1995-1996). She is currently a Full Professor at USP. She has published approximately 155 articles in specialized journals, resulting in the following academic metrics: an H-index of 41 (ISI - Web of Science - 4,550 citations), 47 (SCOPUS - 5,578 citations), and 53 (Google Scholar - 7,878 citations). She holds 4 registered technological products and 9 other technical production items.

Her research interest lies in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, with a particular focus on developing nanoparticles for drug delivery to/through the skin for the topical treatment of various skin diseases. In this context, her most recent research line focuses on multifunctional nanocarriers for gene therapy, using siRNA and mRNA for treating skin diseases and gene vaccination.

She supervises the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences at FCFRP-USP (Rated 7). She has received 28 awards and honors, including the Capes Thesis Award in Pharmacy (2006), an Honorable Mention in the Capes Thesis Award in Pharmacy (2017), and the Natura Campus Award for Technological Innovation (2010). She coordinated the Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Network of INCT - Pharmaceutical Innovation and the Research Network in Pharmaceutical Nanobiotechnology Applied to Antisense Therapy (siRNA and microRNA), funded by CNPq for New Future Therapies. She chaired the Evaluation Committee of the Capes Thesis Award in Pharmacy in 2020 and 2022. She was Director of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto - USP (2014-2018) and Deputy Provost for Undergraduate Studies at the University of São Paulo from 2018 to 2022.

She was a member of the Advisory Committee for Pharmacy at CNPq during the periods 2009-2011 and 2019-2022 (serving as Coordinator). She currently coordinates this committee for the 2022-2025 term. She is a standing member of the Executive Committee of the Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network (GPEN), an international entity in the Pharmacy field. She is the vice-coordinator of SisNANO-USP. Currently, she coordinates the FAPESP thematic INCT - Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, which also received financial support from CNPq and Capes.

Page updated on 09/17/2024 - Published on 09/05/2024