Calls for Proposals

FAPESP and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche launch new call for proposals Versão em português

Collaborative proposals with French researchers will be supported under the Regular Research Grant or Thematic Project modalities.

FAPESP and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) announce a new call for proposals to support projects conducted in partnership between French researchers and higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo.

This is the 18th call under the cooperation agreement between FAPESP and ANR. For the 2025 edition, the selected themes are:

  • Engineering, Chemistry, Physics
  • Computer Science, Mathematics
  • Materials Science
  • Social Sciences, Humanities
  • Environment, Ecosystems, Biological Resources
  • Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Neurosciences

For FAPESP, proposals will be considered under the Regular Research Grant modality (up to 48 months) and the Thematic Project Grant modality (48 to 60 months).

The collaborative proposal pre-registration must be completed and submitted solely by the French researchers to ANR by October 15th, 2024. São Paulo partner researchers must participate in the preparation of the document and include their information.

ANR will invite researchers with pre-registrations approved by both agencies to submit the full proposal by March 2025 starting in February 2025. Proponents from the state of São Paulo should use the SAGe platform.

The call for proposals is available at