Sidney José Lima Ribeiro Versão em português

Scientific Manager - Exact and Earth Sciences
Chemist, Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry - UNESP in Araraquara, PhD in Inorganic Chemistry (UNESP-UFPE-1992). Post-doctorate at École Centrale Paris (1994) and CNET-France Telecom (1995) working with transparent glass-ceramics and lasers.
Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (ACIESP). Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences. Vice-coordinator of the National Institute of Photonics (InFO). Member of the Managing Committee of INCT NanoMaterials for Life. Researcher 1A CNPq. Works in the area of Inorganic Chemistry and its implications for Materials Science, Spectroscopy and Chemistry Teaching. Ongoing projects involve natural polymers (bacterial cellulose and silk fibroin), organic-inorganic hybrids, light guides (optical fibers and thin films), porous materials and luminescent markers for Medicine.
He has supervised 25 doctoral theses, 32 master's dissertations and supervised 27 postdoctoral works. He is Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Chemistry-Inorganic Chemistry and member of the editorial board of the journals Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology and Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. He is also a scientific advisor for the main agencies in the country, NSF (United States), CNR (Italy) and several scientific journals.
He was a visiting researcher at NIRIM - National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials - Tsukuba, Japan. He was a visiting professor at the University of Trento in Italy, at the Universities of Angers, Bordeaux and Toulouse in France, University of Aveiro in Portugal, Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Former Director of the Institute of Chemistry UNESP (2020-2024) and former director of the UNESP Innovation Agency.