Vilson Rosa de Almeida Versão em português

Area Panel - Computer Science and Engineering
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Engineering from the Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA), with Magna Cum Laude distinction (1997), as well as bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Sciences and Administration, from the Brazilian Air Force Academy (AFA) with a qualification in Military Aviation (1987), Master's degree in Microwaves and Electrooptics from ITA (1998), and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University (2004).
Former Director of Institutional Cooperation (DCOI) at CNPq (06/2019 to 07/2020), and Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv) at DCTA-COMAER-MD (02/2012 to 02/2014). Previous member of the CAPES Postgraduate Program Evaluation Committee - Engenharias III (Triennial 2010-2012; Quadrennial 2013-2016).
Member of the Brazilian Society of Optics and Photonics (SBFoton), acting as Member of the Deliberative Council (06/2017 to 06/2021, and since 06/2023). Member of the Brazilian Physics Society (SBF), acting in the Coordination of the "Physics in the Company" (FEM) Area Committee: Coordinator (06/2017 to 06/2021, and since 03/2024) and Deputy Coordinator (06/2023 to 03/2024).
Accredited as a professor/researcher at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), working in Postgraduate and Research since 2005. Accredited as Full Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEB) at Universidade Brasil (UB), since 2018.
Specialized in the areas of Photonics and Electronic Engineering, focused on Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering applications. Received several international recognitions for relevant scientific contributions in his areas of activity. Reviewer of the main scientific journals in his area and ad-hoc advisor to funding agencies and scientific and technological research institutions in Brazil (FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, IEL-CNI, among others) and abroad (IITR in India; UEF in Finland). FAPESP ad-hoc advisor on Projects and Grants in general, including PIPE projects, since 2011. CNPq Scholarship for Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension (DT) since 2011.
Coordinator or was a team member of several scientific and technological research projects, as well as in technological development and technology transfer projects.