Alessandro Santiago dos Santos Versão em português

Advisor to the General Coordination – Technologies and Partnerships in Innovation
Business Development Manager at the Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo (IPT), where he has been working as a researcher in Digital Technologies since 2005. His activities include participating in initiatives to incorporate innovation into cities, industries, and governments through applied computing. Additionally, he is a professor and course coordinator of the Professional Master Degree's in Applied Computing.
In 2023, he was a visiting researcher at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. Alessandro holds a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, and Master’s in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo (USP). Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (1998).
His career in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) began in 1991, with experiences including IT management at SENAC and business development for small and medium-sized enterprises at IBM.
At IPT, he has led high-impact projects, such as supporting the Crisis Committee of the State of São Paulo with the establishment of the Intelligent Monitoring System, which supported decisions and public policies in facing COVID-19. He has also led projects related to the integration of intelligence and monitoring in the state’s highways.
Currently, his research and business activities focus on areas like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, and Intelligent Transportation Systems.