Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri Versão em português

Scientific Managers – Public Policy and Education Programs
She is Ph.D., is Associate Professor III in the Department of Public Law at the University of São Paulo’s Law School. She currently holds the position of Chairholder on the UNESCO Chair on the Right to Education at the same Law School.
Ranieri held significant roles in the São Paulo State's Government and public education sector, advising national and international organizations on matters related to the right to education and education law.
Author of books and articles on Public Law and Education Law, she is a member of national and international academic editorial boards as well of deliberative councils at the University of São Paulo. She was elected to the São Paulo State Academy of Education in 2018.
She currently sits on the São Paulo State Board of Education and holds the position of Chair on the Undergraduate Program of the University of São Paulo’s Law School.
ORCID 0000-0002-8235-5459