Silvia Berlanga de Moraes Barros Versão em português

Advisor to the General Coordination – Technologies and Partnerships in Innovation
Has a bachelor diploma in Pharmacy (1972) from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo (USP) with a Master in Analytical Toxicology in 1976, doctorate in Toxicology in 1980 at the same University and Post-doctoral at the University of Siena.
Retired Full Professor of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo where she taught General Pathology and Toxicology for undergraduate and graduate students, supervised 5 postdoctoral fellows, 19 doctoral students, 10 master students, and served as advisor of many undergraduate students. After her retirement in 2003, she was nominated as Senior Professor at the University, position that she occupied until September 2022.
President of the Undergraduate Studies Commission (1998- 2002), Vice-Head (1993-1996) and Head (1996 -2000) of the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology, Vice-Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2000-2003) and Associate Vice-Rector Undergraduate Studies of the University of São Paulo (1998 -2001).
Director of the International Union of Toxicology (2004-2010 and 2016-2022) and Secretary-General (1990-1991 and 2004-2005) and President (1992-1993) of the Brazilian Society of Toxicology (BSTox).
Member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Food Safety since 2016. Nominated as Chair of the SOT/Scientific Liaison Coalition in March 2024. In 2024 she participates as a member of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) panel that discussed the priorities substances to be included in the IARC Monographies in the next five years.
She received several important awards, such as the Sphere Award for Pharmaceutical Excellence from Dow Chemical (2001), the Education Trophy from Regional Pharmacy Council of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (2005), the Medal Professor Ester de Camargo Fonseca Moraes from the Brazilian Society of Toxicology (2013), the Distinguish Toxicologist Award, from the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists SOT SIG (2021), the Education Award from SOT (2022), the 2022 Heinz Maurer Award for Dermatological Research, Sebapharma GmbH&Co.KG, Germany and the Lifetime Achievement Award IUTOX (2024).
Research interests are related to oxidative stress, hepatotoxicity, photoprotective and anticarcinogenic activity of natural products and application of non-animal methods for chemical safety evaluation and risk assessment.