Carlos Alfredo Joly Versão em português

Advisor to the General Coordination – Amazônia+10
Holds a degree in Biological Sciences from USP (1976), a Master's in Plant Biology from Unicamp (1979), a PhD in Plant Ecophysiology from the Botany Department at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland/UK (1982), and completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Bern, Switzerland (1994).
He works in the fields of Biodiversity Conservation and Science-Policy Interface and has published 140 papers in specialized journals. He has also supervised 26 master's and 15 doctoral students, with one co-supervision currently in progress. He has edited 13 books, notably the series Biodiversity of the State of São Paulo: Synthesis of Knowledge at the End of the 20th Century, the book Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in the State of São Paulo, and the eBook Amazonian Dialogues: Contributions to the Debate on Sustainability and Inclusion.
Currently, he is an Emeritus Professor at Unicamp, retired from the Department of Plant Biology at the IB/Unicamp, a Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo, and the Science-Policy Advisory Committee (Spac) of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
He is also the chair of the Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) and Editor-in-Chief of Biota Neotropica. At the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), he was Co-Chair of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP). He has also served on the Biology Coordination Committee (1993-1998) and the BIOTA Program (1999-2022) at FAPESP, as well as the Zoology Advisory Committee (CA-ZOO) at CNPq (1987-1990).
He has received the Henry Ford Award twice, the Grand Cross class of the National Order of Scientific Merit, the Muriqui Award from the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve, the Zeferino Vaz Academic Recognition Award from Unicamp, and the Conrado Wessel Foundation Science Award.