Esper Abrão Cavalheiro Versão em português

Advisor – Research Ethics and Integrity Program
He is an emeritus professor at the Department of Neurology and Neurosciences at UNIFESP’s (Federal University of São Paulo) EPM (Paulista School of Medicine). He is a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and of the International League Against Epilepsy of the International Bureau of Epilepsy.
He was President of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and secretary of Public Policies and Programs for Science and Technologies in the Sciences and Technologies Ministry. He was President of the Research and Post-graduation Pro-Deans Forum, coordinator of UNIFESP’s Neurology and Neurosciences Post-graduation Program and Vice-President of the State of São Paulo’s Academy of Sciences.
He develops researches in neurosciences focusing on the underlying mechanisms of the main neurological disorders. He has received awards and/or homages, of which stand out the National Order of Scientific Merit’s Grand Cross and the title of Order of Rio Branco’s Commander. He has acted as a counselor at CGEE (Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation), where he led strategic prospecting studies in various fields of knowledge.
In the period between 2010 and 2015, he was President of the Scientific Committee of São Paulo’s APAE Institute. In 2013, he became UNIFESP’s Pro-Dean of Planning, position he maintained until April 2017. He was a member of CNPEM’S Administrative Counsel and he is member of Péter Murányi’s Foundation’s Superior Counsel.
He became UNIFESP’S Pro-Dean of Post-graduation and Research in May 2017. After retiring from UNIFESP (September 2018), he worked as a researcher in CNPEM between November 2018 and March 2020. He was INNT (National Institute for Sciences and Technology in Translational Neurosciences), of which he is currently one of the main researchers. He is President of the Committee of Development of the National Graduate Plan (PNPG/CAPES 2025-2029).