Call will fund scientific collaborations and research mobility between São Paulo and Illinois (USA) Versão em português

Opportunity will support five projects with seed funding valid for two years for projects that focus on three priority areas.
FAPESP announces the launch of a call for proposals in partnership with the University of Illinois (USA) to support bilateral scientific collaborations and opportunities for research mobility.
The call is open to researchers linked to higher education and research institutes in the state of São Paulo and researchers linked to the University System of Illinois (UIS), which is formed by the universities of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in Chicago and in Springfield. Proposals in any discipline will be supported, especially – but not exclusively – in areas related to Climate and Sustainability; Public Health and Medicine; and Democracy and Inclusion.
Proposals must be written jointly by a principal investigator from the state of São Paulo and another from the University of Illinois, in English. The call provides for the selection of five proposals. Approved projects will be supported for 2 years; Each will have a maximum budget of USD 40,000.00, an amount that will be equally divided among the funding institutions, each one contemplating the research team based in its respective domain.
At FAPESP, proposals will follow the basic rules and conditions of the Regular Research Grant support modality but limited to mobility and seed fund, to be used to support activities and extra expenses related to visiting research groups.
Submissions must be made exclusively by SAGe by February 15, 2025. At the time of submission, the principal investigator from the University of Illinois must register on the SAGe System and through it confirm participation in the project.
The call is available at: