
Biofuels Technologies: the sustainability challenge

The 2nd BIOEN-FAPESP Research Webinar will present the latest scientific and technological achievements in Biofuels Technologies. The distinguished speakers will tell us the stories behind the cases of success and biofuels scientific achievements. This webinar will be the second of a series of on-line seminars that will bring an enlightening insight into the BIOEN-FAPESP Program and its results in five divisions: biomass, biofuels, biorefineries, engine and aviation applications, sustainability and impacts.




2nd BIOEN Webinar Introduction

Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira and Heitor Cantarella, BIOEN FAPESP - Moderators



Luiz Eugenio Mello, Scientific Director of FAPESP
FAPESP activities and opportunities for biofuels academia and industry research

Glaucia Mendes Souza, Steering Committees for Special Programs - BIOEN Program / University of São Paulo (USP)
BIOEN-FAPESP Program: an overview of research into biofuels technologies


Rubens Maciel Filho - Steering Committees for Special Programs - BIOEN Program / University of Campinas (Campinas)
An overview of the global energy matrix, demands and conversion technologies


Antonio Bonomi - Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR)
Integration Strategies as a Solution for Biofuels Production


Lee Lynd - Dartmouth College and Advanced Second Generation (A2G) Biofuel Lab at the University of Campinas
Low-Cost Cellulosic Ethanol: New Directions and the A2G Lab


Questions & Answers


End of the 2nd BIOEN Webinar


Join the webinar: Agência FAPESP’s YouTube channel

Send questions to: bioen-webinars@fapesp.br (questions will be answered just during the event)

Language: English (simultaneous translation will not be provided)

See more about BIOEN-PROGRAM at: www.fapesp.br/bioen

No declaration of presence or certificate will be issued for the broadcasted events.

Página atualizada em 20/08/2020 - Publicada em 04/08/2020