International Workshop on Science, Technology and Natural Gas Applications

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and BG Brasil invite you to the,
International Workshop on Science, Technology and Natural Gas Applications
The event's goal is the engagement of scientists and professionals to formulate a Program on Science, Technology and Applications of Gas in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
This program aims to consolidate, the position of the State of São Paulo as a center of world-class research in this field of knowledge.
The workshop, conducted in english, will cover four themes: Power Generation, New Applications, Fuel Substitution and Transport, Infrastructure and Policy.
Registration: www.fapesp.br/eventos/gas/inscricoes
October 29th: 8h30 – 17h15
October 30th: 8h00 – 17h10
Venue: APAS (Rua Pio XI, 1200 - Lapa - São Paulo - SP)
FAPESP - Gerência Adjunta de Eventos
Tel.: (11) 3838-4216/4362/4394
Parking Suggestion: APAS Valet Service