Bolsa de PD em Neurobiologia Molecular

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Neuroscience

Nº: 7727

Área de conhecimento: Biologia Geral

Field of knowledge: General biology

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2022/12762-1

FAPESP process: 2022/12762-1

Título do projeto: Estudo de alterações na migração neuronal em um transtorno do espectro autista utilizando modelos celulares humanos e modelos animais

Project title: Investigation of alterations in neuronal migration in an autism spectrum disorder using human cellular models and animal models

Área de atuação: Neurobiologia Molecular

Working area: Molecular Neuroscience

Quantidade de vagas: 1

Positions: 1

Pesquisador responsável: Fabio Papes

Principal investigator: Fabio Papes

Unidade/Instituição: Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IB-Unicamp)

Unit/Instituition: Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (IB-Unicamp)

Data limite para inscrições: 30/03/2025

Deadline for submissions: 2025-03-30

Publicado em: 21/01/2025

Publishing date: 2025-01-21

Localização: Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, Campinas

Locale: Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, Campinas

E-mail para inscrições:

E-mail for proposal submission:

  • Resumo Summary

    O laboratório do Prof. Dr. Fabio Papes, no Instituto de Biologia da Unicamp, dispõe de uma Bolsa de Pós-doutorado FAPESP, vinculada ao Projeto Temático “Estudo de alterações na migração neuronal em um transtorno do espectro autista utilizando modelos celulares humanos e modelos animais”. O projeto de pós-doutorado a ser desenvolvido tem como objetivo investigar a migração de neurônios na formação do córtex e como alterações neste processo levam aos fenótipos teciduais e clínicos de uma síndrome do espectro autista.

    Os candidatos devem ter experiência prévia em: (I) Cultura de células e, preferencialmente, de organoides cerebrais; (II) Técnicas de Biologia Celular, incluindo microscopia de imunofluorescência; e (III) Técnicas de Biologia Molecular.

    Os interessados devem enviar os seguintes documentos, como um PDF único, para o Prof. Fabio Papes (, até 30/03/2025: (I) Curriculum Vitae, (II) Carta de interesse contendo experiência anterior e habilidades técnicas, (III) Duas cartas de recomendação (incluindo a do orientador de Doutorado). Os candidatos devem ter título de doutor obtido há no máximo sete anos.

    O candidato selecionado receberá Bolsa de PD da FAPESP no valor de R$ 12.000,00 mensais, além de Reserva Técnica equivalente a 10% do valor anual da bolsa.

    We have an open position for a post-doctoral candidate to develop a project with the aim of investigating the migration of neurons in the formation of the brain cortex and how changes in this process lead to the tissue and clinical phenotypes of an autism spectrum syndrome. The project is linked to an R01-level Thematic Project entitled “Investigation of alterations in neuronal migration in an autism spectrum disorder using human cellular models and animal models”. It will be developed in Dr. Fabio Papes’ laboratory at the State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil – one of the leading research institutions in Latin America.

    The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), in the amount of R$12,000.00 per month, and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.

    Candidates must have prior experience in: (I) Cell/tissue culture (preferably with neurons and cerebral organoids); (II) Cell Biology techniques, including immunofluorescence microscopy; and (III) Molecular Biology techniques.

    Interested parties must send the following documents, as a single PDF, to Prof. Fabio Papes (, until 03/30/2025: (I) Curriculum Vitae, (II) Letter of intent, containing previous experience and technical skills, (III) Two letters of recommendation (including one from the PhD advisor). Candidates must have a doctorate degree obtained no more than seven years ago.

    We have an open position for a post-doctoral candidate to develop a project with the aim of investigating the migration of neurons in the formation of the brain cortex and how changes in this process lead to the tissue and clinical phenotypes of an autism spectrum syndrome. The project is linked to an R01-level Thematic Project entitled “Investigation of alterations in neuronal migration in an autism spectrum disorder using human cellular models and animal models”. It will be developed in Dr. Fabio Papes’ laboratory at the State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil – one of the leading research institutions in Latin America.

    The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), in the amount of R$12,000.00 per month, and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.

    Candidates must have prior experience in: (I) Cell/tissue culture (preferably with neurons and cerebral organoids); (II) Cell Biology techniques, including immunofluorescence microscopy; and (III) Molecular Biology techniques.

    Interested parties must send the following documents, as a single PDF, to Prof. Fabio Papes (, until 03/30/2025: (I) Curriculum Vitae, (II) Letter of intent, containing previous experience and technical skills, (III) Two letters of recommendation (including one from the PhD advisor). Candidates must have a doctorate degree obtained no more than seven years ago.