FAPESP Week Germany
FAPESP Week Germany

Venue: Henry Ford Building, Lecture Hall A   |  Freie Universität Berlin  |  Garystraße 35   |  14195 Berlin-Dahlem


The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation) have the pleasure to invite to FAPESP WEEK Germany.

The symposium aims at strengthening the links between researchers from São Paulo and Germany to promote research partnerships.

Since 2011, the FAPESP Week symposium series have been creating opportunities and facilitating research collaboration between researchers from the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and colleagues worldwide.

The FAPESP WEEK Germany brings together scientists from São Paulo and numerous German research locations in academic sessions featuring presentations and discussions on advanced scientific results that are relevant to both regions involved and likely to foster research collaboration. The event also aims to inform additional researchers about the opportunities for research funding cooperation between the state of São Paulo and Germany. The FAPESP WEEK Germany is the 24th edition of the FAPESP WEEK symposium series.

Themes of FAPESP WEEK Germany:

São Paulo Research Foundation

FAPESP is one of the major research funding agencies in Latin America. Funded by the public taxpayer, its mission is to foster scientific research in all fields of knowledge by awarding scholarships, fellowships and grants to investigators linked with higher education and research institutions based in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

The State of São Paulo has a population of 45 million and generates 32% of Brazil’s GDP. Under the State Constitution 1% of all state taxes are appropriated to fund FAPESP, which was put in motion in 1962.

The stability of the funding and the autonomy of the foundation allow for an efficient management of the resources that has had a sizable impact: while São Paulo has 16% of the Brazilian population and over 30% of the scientists with a doctorate in the country, the state responds for close to half of the country’s scientific articles published in international journals.

The effectiveness of research carried out in São Paulo is the combined result of several factors that include the quality of the state’s universities and institutes, the extraordinary productivity of its researchers, high rates of participation by private São Paulo-based companies that function within the state’s R&D outlays, São Paulo’s outstanding infrastructure, and the existence of FAPESP.

FAPESP is aware that the very best research can only be done by working with the best researchers internationally. Therefore, it has established partnerships with funding agencies, private companies, higher education and research organizations in other countries known by the quality of their research. With this, has been encouraging scientists funded by its grants to further develop their international collaboration. Agreements are listed here: fapesp.br/acordos/en.

As part of these efforts, FAPESP has organized FAPESP WEEKs in several countries, including in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay. Read more about the symposia at fapesp.br/week/symposia.   

In 2023 FAPESP applied $ PPP 560 million in scholarships/fellowships and grants. In accordance with the Foundation’s funding strategies, 54,7% of expenditure was dedicated to Basic and Applied Research, 18.8% to Human Resources for Research, 8.5% to support Research Infrastructure, 9.0% to Research for Innovation, 7.2% Strategic Research and 1.8% was allocated to Diffusion, mapping and evaluation of research (source: https://fapesp.br/publicacoes/report2023.pdf).

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), a registered association, is the largest research funding organisation and the central self-governing organisation for research in Germany. Its mission, as defined in its statutes, is to promote research in all its forms and disciplines.

With an annual budget of around €3.9 billion, the DFG funds and coordinates more than 31,750 research projects in its various programmes. These projects are carried out by both individual researchers and groups of researchers based at universities and non-university research institutions. The focus in all disciplines is on basic research.

Researchers at universities and research institutions in Germany are eligible to apply for DFG funding. Research proposals are evaluated by reviewers in line with the criteria of scientific quality and originality, and then assessed by review boards, which are elected for a four-year period by the German research community.

The DFG places special emphasis on early career support, gender equality and scientific relations with other countries. It also funds and initiates measures to develop and expand scientific library services, data centres and the use of major instrumentation in research.

Another of the DFG’s core tasks is to advise parliaments and public interest institutions on scientific matters. Together with the German Council of Science and Humanities, the DFG is also responsible for implementing the Excellence Strategy to promote top-level research at German universities.

The DFG currently has 99 member organisations, primarily comprised of universities, non-university research organisations such as the Max Planck Society, the Leibniz Association and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, and academies of sciences and humanities. The majority of the DFG’s budget is provided by the federal and state governments, and it also receives funds from the Stifterverband.



