
FAPESP and British Council announce result for call of proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and British Council announce result for call of proposals Five proposals for workshops organized by researchers from the State of São Paulo were selected (photo: British Council)

FAPESP and the British Council announce the result from call for proposals to support the organization of short courses for the development of professional communication skills under the Researcher Connect program.

The call for proposals is supported by the Newton Fund, and was also  offered in other Brazilian states by the state research foundations (FAPs) which participate in the call, under the umbrella of  the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP).

FAPESP and the British Council selected 5 proposals to be organized in the State of São Paulo.

Selected proposals:

Principal investigator

Workshop location and date

Camila Höfling - UFSCAR
FAPESP grant number 2018/50072-1

São Carlos
18-20 February, 2019

Hamilton Brandão Varela de Albuquerque - USP
FAPESP grant number 2018/50076-7

São Paulo
12-14 February, 2019

Mario Henrique Ogasavara - ESPM
FAPESP grant number 2018/50075-0

São Paulo
17-19 September, 2018

Roxane Maria Fontes Piazza – Instituto Butantan
FAPESP grant number 2018/50077-3

São Paulo
22-24 October, 2018

Vitor Rafael Coluci - UNICAMP
FAPESP grant number 2018/50073-8

12-14 February, 2019

The call is available (in Portuguese) at: