
Memorandum of understanding between FAPESP and Keele University Versão em português

This Memorandum of understanding is made on


1. UNIVERSITY OF KEELE, a university established by the University of Keele Act 1962 (10 &11 Eliz. 2 Ch Xv) and the granting of a Royal Charter in 1962, of Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG (Keele); and

2. The SÃO PAULO RESEARCH FOUNDATION - FAPESP, established by Law nº 5.918, of October 18th, 1960, with headquarters at Rua Pio XI, 1500, Alto da Lapa, São Paulo, SP, enrolled in CNPJ/MF under nº 43.828.151/0001-45, herein represented according to article 11, “a” of Law nº 5.918, combined with its General Rule approved by Decree nº 40.132, of May 23, 1962, represented by its President, Prof. Dr. JOSÉ GOLDEMBERG, in the exercise of the powers delegated by Act of the Governor of the State of São Paulo, published in the Official Gazette of the State, of August 22nd, 2015, (“FAPESP”);

Each a Party and together, the Parties.

1. This Memorandum of Understanding recognises the potential benefits of collaboration in the field of science, technology, and innovation in areas of mutual interest, especially tropical disease.

2. As a gesture of goodwill, this Memorandum of Understanding records the intention of the Parties to strengthen the ties between the two institutions in this area.

3. In pursuance of this objective, the Parties may agree to identify mutual opportunities and promote concrete co-operative activities. Examples of links which Parties wish to discuss are to:

3.1. Promote collaboration in science, technology, and innovation in areas of mutual interest, especially in tropical disease;

3.2. Facilitate mutually beneficial collaboration in science, technology and innovation through the interaction between research community from State of Sao Paulo and researchers from Keele, under their respective program frameworks and guidelines;

3.3. Identify opportunities for and promote concrete cooperative activities involving their respective research communities, such as joint research projects as mutually decided upon by both Parties;

3.4. Encourage increased science and technology mutual collaboration and organisation of scientific and technological meetings, workshops, and symposia of mutual interest; and/or

3.5. Consider establishing academic research cooperation between researchers from the United Kingdom and São Paulo, Brazil, strengthening the international research excellence in tropical medicine and other areas of interests.

4. Any collaborative arrangements envisaged by this Memorandum of Understanding shall be implemented through a separate, written, legally binding contract, to be negotiated between the Parties on a case-by-case basis. To this end the Parties recognise and agree that no legally binding commitments are created through this Memorandum of Understanding.

5. This Memorandum of Understanding will respect policies relative to negotiation of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights established by researchers’ respective institutions.

6. This Memorandum of Understanding is based on equality quality, reciprocity and mutual benefit.

7. Any dispute arising from the interpretation or implantation of this Memorandum of Understanding will be resolved amicably and expeditiously by consultation or negotiation between the Parties or such other means as they may mutually decide.

8. This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended by mutual written consent of the Parties at the request of either Party. Any amendments will become effective upon written notification of mutual agreement by the Parties.

9. The initial contact points at each Party in connection with this Memorandum of Understanding are as follows:

Name: Rachel Blundred
Position: Research Development Manager
Email address:
Phone number: 01782 734339

Name: Ana Paula Yokosawa
Position: Technical Scientific Advisor
Email address:
Phone number: +55 11 3838-4186

10. No Party shall use the name, logo or trademark of the other without that Party’s prior written consent.

11. This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective from the last date of signature for a period of five (5) calendar years. It may be terminated by either Party upon six (6) months’ written notice to the other Party.


Signed in two original copies in English and Portuguese, both texts being equally authentic, and agreed by the Parties through their authorised signatories:

For and on behalf of the University of Keele:









For and on behalf of insert FAPESP:






