FAPESP opens internship proposals call at Italian universities Versão em português

FAPESP opens internship proposals call at Italian universities BEPE scholarships are available for Master, Doctoral, Direct Doctoral or Postdoctoral fellows (photo: Università di Bologna)

To stimulate scientific collaboration between Brazil and Italy, FAPESP has launched a call for proposals for Brazilian students wishing to conduct an internship there. To apply, the candidate must have a FAPESP scholarship for Post-doctoral, Doctorate, Direct Doctorate or Master, in all areas of knowledge, for short and medium-term internships.

The research internship in Italy must necessarily be part of the research project that underpins the scholarship grant in Brazil. Therefore, it cannot be requested independently, according to the rules of the Research Internships Abroad Program (BEPE) from FAPESP.

The scholarship holder must present until the granting of the grant, a letter from the institution abroad accepting the candidate and indicating the researcher responsible for supervision. The applicant must have English or Italian language proficiency.

Altogether there are 19 universities that form the Network of Italian Universities and have cooperation agreement with FAPESP and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP). The call is part of the CONFAP/Italy 2019 Mobility Program.

Specific guidelines for researchers from the State of São Paulo can be found at https://fapesp.br/index.php/13116.

The deadline for submission of proposals is October 21, 2019. The call for proposals is published at: https://fapesp.br/index.php/13119.