
FAPESP and IBM select the new Center for Artificial Intelligence Versão em português

FAPESP and IBM select the new Center for Artificial Intelligence New FAPESP Engineering Research Center will join IBM’s global network for AI application aiming at overcoming the greatest challenges of technological innovation (image: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and IBM announce the result of call for proposals issued with the goal of constituting a Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will operate under the aegis of FAPESP’s Engineering Research Centers (ERC) program.

The AI IBM-FAPESP Centre will be hosted by Inova USP – University of São Paulo’s Innovation Centre, at its main campus in São Paulo, Brazil. Activities are expected to start by the year 2020.

The new AI ERC will be the first Latin American center of IBM IA Horizons Network (IAHN) – created in 2016 to promote integration and collaboration among the world’s main universities, students and IBM researchers committed to accelerate AI application to some of the greatest challenges at the technological frontier.

The new center will develop research applied to different segments of the economy, with focus on natural resources, agribusiness, environment, finance and health. In addition to yield significative scientific progress and nurture AI researchers, the center will work for the development of small companies able to convert research into marketable products and services.

Selected proposal:

Center for Artificial Intelligence

Processo / Grant number


Acordo / Agreement


Pesq. Resp. / PI

Fabio Gagliardi Cozman

Instit. sede / Host Institution

Centro de Inovação da Universidade de São Paulo / InovaUSP / USP

The call for proposals is available at: