
Joint Research on cancer prevention will be funded Versão em português

Joint Research on cancer prevention will be funded FAPESP offers to the researchers from São Paulo the opportunity to participate in a call for proposals with the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (photo: GACD)

FAPESP announces the participation in a joint call for proposals with the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD). The call will select and support research projects focusing on Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cancer.

Proposals must build on evidence-based interventions for primary and secondary prevention of cancer in populations facing conditions of vulnerability, especially in lower and middle income countries. Interventions should be gender-responsive. Proposals should be driven by the goal of scaling-up the implementation of these interventions in accessible, affordable and equitable ways in order to improve the prevention and early diagnosis of cancer in real-life settings.

The opportunity is open to researchers affiliated with higher-education or research institutions at the State of São Paulo. Submission must follow rules and guidelines from FAPESP’s Public Policies Program.

Interested parties must consult FAPESP regarding their eligibility before elaborating the project. Only those researchers who are considered eligible should submit proposals. Researchers have until April 1st, 2020 to consult their eligibility. The deadline for proposal submission is April 30th, 2020.

Guidelines for the researchers in the State of São Paulo are available at The international announcement can be found at this link:


This is the third time FAPESP takes part in a GACD call for proposals. Headquartered in London, GACD gathers funding agencies addressing chronic non-communicable diseases. The alliance heads and support research activities with a focus on non-communicable diseases’ treatment and prevention at a global scale, specifically in medium- or low-income countries featuring highly vulnerable population. In the world, chronic diseases are responsible for approximately 60% of all deaths, according to the organization.

GACD members include FAPESP, Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council, Canada’s Institutes of Health Research, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, United Kingdom’s Medical Research Council, Japan’s Agency for Medical Research and Development, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission and the United States’ National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Page updated on 11/01/2019 - Published on 11/01/2019