
SPRINT – 4th Edition 2019 Guidelines Conicet

Specific requests for proposals submissions from researchers of the CONICET

FAPESP and the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), signed a Cooperation Agreement for Research on July 21st, 2016, aiming to implement scientific and technological cooperation between CONICET researchers (Argentina) and from the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil), by funding joint research projects.

Under the referred Agreement, as a continuation of this fruitful collaboration, FAPESP and CONICET make public this Call for Proposals for the exchange of faculty and postdoctoral researchers under the terms and conditions of the SPRINT 4th Edition 2019 ( and hereinafter set forth.

1. Eligibility from CONICET side

1.1. Eligibility for proposal submissions within the scope of this Call:

a. The Project Head must be a member of the Science and Technology Research Career of CONICET (CIC) and shall also be a Head or Member of one of the following national ongoing projects: CONICET PIP, PIO, PUE or Agency PICT. The national project must have a research theme related to the Bilateral Project proposal.

b. Only ONE submission per year will be admitted for each Project Head for International Cooperation programmes offered by CONICET.

c. The project is open to the participation of researchers, postdoctoral and doctoral fellows of CONICET and / or other national institutions.

1. 2. Eligibility for the exchange activities within the scope of this Call

a. The international mobility is only available for Researchers or Postdoctoral Fellows from CONICET. Proposals whose beneficiaries are young researchers will be prioritized. The beneficiary of the exchange must be different in each year of the project execution and must inform if he/she has any grant from CONICET for international mobility e.g. scholarships for staying abroad (Annex II).

b. Beneficiaries must apply for ART Certificates prior to traveling to of the Department of Human Resources of CONICET.

c. The proposals must aim to respect the principle of reciprocity with regard to academic qualifications of those who will take part in the exchange activities.

d. FAPESP may exceptionally support PhD students from the State of São Paulo to take part in the scientific missions. In this case, the PhD student(s) must have an ongoing FAPESP fellowship during the planned exchange mission to the partner institution.

2. Fields of knowledge

This Call for Proposals invites research proposals in all fields of knowledge, with special emphasis on:

a. Integral use of biomass: new derivative products, bioenergy, economy and environment;

b. Ecosystem services;

c. Oceanography;

d. Materials sciences;

e. Food safety;

f. Big data;

g. Public health and collective health;

h. Human rights, minorities and gender;

i. Demography and Migrations;

j. Social and political organization.

3. Duration of the project for the exchange of researchers

The maximum duration of each project is 24 months.

4. Timeline

Call announced by FAPESP and CONICET

05th November 2019

Closing date for submission of proposals

27th January 2020

Successful proposals notified after

24th April 2020

5. Funding principles

Under the provisions of Clause 5 of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement established by the Parties (

5.1. FAPESP will exceptionally provide funding of up to US$ 6,000.00 (six thousand dollars) per proposal per year.

5.2. CONICET will provide funding:

a. Up to TWO international air tickets in the economic class to Brazil (round trip).

b. In addition to travel tickets, a maximum amount of US$ 2,000.00 (two thousand dollars) as living allowances for stays of up to 30 days (2 stays in Brazil in total),

c. CONICET will only finance Researchers and Postdoctoral Fellows belonging to the institution, which will receive the money in Argentine pesos, in their salary or stipend account.

5.3. FAPESP and CONICET will fund a maximum of 15 (fifteen) proposals.

6. Proposal characteristics for CONICET researchers:

The proposal shall be composed of:

6.1. A Research Project having a maximum of five (5) pages of scientific content, in English , written jointly by both the Principal Investigator at the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo and the Principal Investigator at the CONICET. One copy of the Research Project must be sent to FAPESP and an identical copy to the CONICET.

6.1.1 As described at, the Research Project must include the following items:

a. A substantive description of the exchange activities, emphasizing their relevance. The proposal must state clearly how the exchange activities to be carried out by each team will contribute to the ongoing research project funded by FAPESP and to the research being carried by the CONICET researcher at CONICET;

b. Detailed schedule of the exchange missions to be carried out by the CONICET team at the São Paulo institution and the São Paulo team at the CONICET;

c. Performance indicators for the planned activities, indicating the expected results;

d. A description of each candidate’s contribution to the mission, explaining their expertise to carry out the foreseen activities;

e. Foreseen actions that will add to the impact of the exchange for the CONICET and for the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo, e.g. by means of seminars, short courses etc.;

f. Description of how the Principal Investigators in São Paulo and in the CONICET intend to prepare a joint research project, resulting from the exchange activities developed from the proposal submitted in this Call, to be submitted to research funding agencies accessible in their regions in order to create a medium-long-term collaboration (up to one page).

6.2 Letter of Agreement of the Host Institution in the State of São Paulo to which the PI from São Paulo is affiliated. The same document is required by FAPESP in item 6.2.3 at The Letter of Agreement may be delivered after the notification of results of this call for proposals and before the grant agreement signature.

7. Submission of proposals to CONICET

The applications should be submitted in CONICET through SIGEVA (Integral System of Management and Evaluation). Moreover, the signed form must be printed and sent to the International Cooperation Office of CONICET.

Deadline for submission of the printed form to CONICET Central Office or correspondent CCT: October 29, 2019, with NO EXCEPTIONS.

8. Result of the analysis

a. The results will be announced on FAPESP ( and CONICET ( web portals and by means of a communication to the interested PIs.

b. Each party will select the proposals according to its own procedures. Only proposals approved by FAPESP and CONICET will be supported.

9. Contract for selected projects

Communication to the interested PIs will include instructions related to the contract process.

10. Grant cancellation

FAPESP or CONICET may cancel funding if, during the grant timeframe, a significant event justifies its cancellation in the assessment of the Joint Steering Committee, without prejudice of any other appropriate actions.

11. Information about this Call at CONICET

All questions related to this Call for Proposals must be directed to:


Cooperación Internacional (+54 11) 4899 5400


Annex I

Scientific Project

1. Resumen

Máximo: 300 caracteres

2. Proyecto científico

Máximo: 10 páginas y 40.000 caracteres incluyendo espacios, figuras, tablas, fórmulas, etc. y referencias. Tamaño de letra hasta 10pt y espaciado 1.5

Descripción del proyecto :

2.1. Estado actual de la investigación sobre el tema y contribución del grupo citando las publicaciones propias relacionadas.

2.2. Objetivo

2.3. Metodología (investigaciones o experimentos, métodos disponibles y a ser desarrollados).

2.4. Cronograma y división de trabajo entre los miembros del equipo de investigación argentino y extranjero.

2.5. Antecedentes de cooperación.

2.6. Valor agregado a través de la cooperación internacional (indicar si se prevén futuras asociaciones a otros proyectos internacionales).

2.7. Referencias bibliográficas

Annex II

Financing allocation

Traslados y viáticos del beneficiario argentino al exterior

1º viaje internacional :


Fecha estimada de viaje: Itinerario:

Cantidad de días:

2º viaje internacional :


Fecha estimada de viaje:

Annex III

International Research Group

Apellido y


% dedicación

Lugar de

Annex IV

Scientific Report

El informe científico deberá estar escrito en español y deberá consistir en un único documento que incluya las actividades realizadas en Argentina y en Brasil.

Este informe deberá ser remitido a Cooperación Internacional de CONICET al finalizar los dos años de ejecución del proyecto.

1. Información General

Título del proyecto:

Titular argentino (nombre y lugar de trabajo):

Titular extranjero (nombre y lugar de trabajo):

Integrantes argentinos


Lugar de trabajo


Principales tareas

Integrantes FAPESP


Lugar de trabajo


Principales tareas

2. Objetivos

Resuma los objetivos originalmente establecidos en el proyecto de cooperación (máximo: 1000 caracteres).

3. Resultados científicos

Por favor, describa el trabajo de investigación realizado por los grupos de trabajo en ambos países durante el período consignado, haciendo referencia a los objetivos planeados y logrados, hitos e hipótesis mencionadas en el plan de investigación. Exponga los mayores resultados científicos alcanzados y explique su relevancia.

Incluya la producción científica emergente del trabajo realizado (artículos, libros, capítulos de libros, participación en congresos, patentes, etc.) ya publicada o enviada para su publicación (máx. 2 páginas).

4. Formación de Recursos Humanos

Indique, por favor, aquellas actividades realizadas tendientes a la formación de recursos humanos y su impacto.

5. Desviaciones del plan de investigación

Por favor, indique y justifique alguna desviación mayor que haya tenido respecto al proyecto de investigación original.

6. Acciones futuras

Por favor, indique si se prevén nuevos trabajos con la contraparte.

7. Comentarios

Mencione algún aspecto relevante que no haya sido incluido en las secciones anteriores.

Page updated on 11/05/2019 - Published on 11/04/2019