
Selected projects for the eScience Program’s call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP announces the result for the latest call for proposals of its Research Program on eScience and Data Science. Three proposals were selected.

The main goal of the program is to encourage bold, novel, and unconventional approaches to world-class multidisciplinary research and innovation involving joint collaboration of computer scientists and researchers in other fields.

This was the Program’s fourth call, launched October 2019 under the theme Digital Health with the aim of fostering collaborative projects bringing together researchers from Computer Science and the Life Sciences and focusing specifically on problems related to human health. Interdisciplinary topics included, among others. precision medicine, computational vision, health informatics, artificial intelligence applied to big data in health, brain-computer interfaces.

Selected proposals:

Classification of body/mental states for a human-machine interface based on the heart rate variability
Processo / Grant number: 2020/01479-1
Modalidade / scheme: Regular Research Grant
Pesquisador Responsável / PI: André Fujita
Instituição sede / Host Institution: Instituto de Matemática e Estatística/USP

Digital health for the End TB strategy: from linked data integration to a better evidence-based decision making
Processo / Grant number: 2020/01479-1
Modalidade / scheme: Regular Research Grant
Pesquisador Responsável / PI: Domingos Alves
Instituição sede / Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP

Computer aid system for the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders based on facial anthropometric measurements
Processo / Grant number: 2020/01992-0
Modalidade / scheme: Regular Research Grant
Pesquisador Responsável / PI: Ariane Machado Lima
Instituição sede / Host Institution: Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades/USP

The call for proposals is available at: