
FAPESP participates in two calls from the Horizon Europe program Versão em português

Opportunities for international collaborations involve networks linked to the European Commission to support research on water resources and biodiversity.

FAPESP participates, at the invitation of the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (CONFAP), in two calls for proposals launched under European Commission’s Horizon Europe program.

Each call is linked to a network of scientific organizations of the program focused on the financing and implementation of research with a specific purpose within the paradigm of socio-environmental sustainability.

One of them is Biodiversa+, the name of the European Partnership for Biodiversity, with whom FAPESP has previously collaborated in a 2019 call and which supports scientific initiatives of excellence and high impact in biodiversity, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions.

The 2023 call, entitled “Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change – BiodivNBS”, covers the following topics: (i) synergies and trade-offs of nature-based solutions in the context of human well-being; (ii) nature-based solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss; and (iii) the contribution of nature-based solutions to just transformative change.

Water4All, which programs and funds research on water resources in a multidisciplinary way, is the other Horizon Europe network with which FAPESP now promotes opportunities for international scientific collaboration.

The “Joint Transnational Call on ‘Aquatic Ecosystem Services’” will support projects that fall under the following three topics: (i) Mapping, monitoring, and assessment for a better understanding of ecosystem services in a context of changes, from local to global change; (ii) understanding and predicting multiple pressures (including anthropogenic pressures)—impact-response relationships in ecosystem services through advanced methods and techniques; and (iii) new tools and solutions for better integration of ecosystem services into the management of water resources.

Submission and financing conditions

To participate in the calls, researchers from the state of São Paulo must form consortia formed by at least two independent legal entities from two different EU Member States or countries associated with Horizon Europe.

FAPESP will finance the São Paulo part of the selected projects through the Regular Research Grant support modality, which provides for a maximum contribution of 150,000 reais per year. Specifically for these two opportunities with Horizon Europe, projects can last from 24 to 36 months. For each call, the Foundation has set aside a total of 450,000 euros to support projects.

The deadline for pre-proposals is Nov. 10 for the Biodiversa+ call and Nov. 13 for the Water4All call. In this phase, the Principal Investigator of the São Paulo part of the consortium must use the e-mail addresses created by FAPESP as contact channels for each call, sending documentation that includes its curricular summary, estimated time for its dedication to the project, title and duration of the proposal, planned budget and name/institution of the consortium coordinator.

This, in turn, must meet the same deadline for sending the pre-proposal, which must be done through a form available on the platforms created by each of Horizon Europe's scientific partnership networks.

In both calls, in case of approval of the pre-proposal, the São Paulo researchers ascend to the phase of submission of complete proposals, for which the SAGe System will be used. In order for the consortium coordinator to be listed in SAGe as a member of the team, it is necessary for him to register.