
FAPESP and GlaxoSmithKline announce results of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and GlaxoSmithKline announce results of call for proposals

FAPESP and GlaxoSmithKline Brasil (GSK) announce the results of a Call for Proposals issued on May 17, 2012 under the cooperation agreement between the institutions.

The Call for Proposals was open for research proposals in the following topics: “Metabolic Diseases”, “Tropical and Neglected Diseases”, “Infectious Diseases”, “Respiratory Diseases”, “Inflammation and Immunology” and “Biopharmaceuticals and Vaccines”.

The total amount available for the Call for Proposals is US$ 600,000.00, with a maximum of US$ 200.000 per project.

Selected proposals:



Acary Souza Bulle Oliveira 
Esc. Paulista de Medicina - Unifesp
Área: Speech Therapy
FAPESP#: 2012/50370-6 

Evaluation of dysphagia as prognostic model in compromise of orofaringolaringeais structures and functions in patients with motor neuron disease


Jean Leandro dos Santos
Fac. Ciências Farmacêuticas Araraquara - Unesp Area: Pharmacy
FAPESP#: 2012/50359-2

Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new hybrid drugs useful to treat hematological disorders


Luis Carlos de Souza Ferreira
Inst. Ciências Biomédicas – USP
Area: Microbiology
FAPESP#: 2012/50362-3

Vaccines for dengue fever control delivered via intradermal and transcutaneous routes

The Call for Proposals is available at: