
FAPESP and Bangor University announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Bangor University announce result of call for proposals Three proposals for the exchange of researchers were selected and will be funded by the institutions (Bangor University)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil and Bangor University, United Kingdom, announce the result of a public Call for Proposals issued under the scientific cooperation agreement between the institutions.

Three proposals for the support of research projects involving the exchange of researchers were selected.

The call invited research proposals in all fields of knowledge. FAPESP will provide funding of up to £5,000.00 per proposal and per year and the Bangor University will provide funding of up to £5,000.00 per proposal and per year, for the period established in the award, to cover reasonable research-related expenses including mobility expenses.

Selected proposals:

Researchers Title

Alexander Turra
Inst. Oceanográfico/USP

Ian McCarthy
Bangor University

Area: Biology

Tropical and temperate marine ecosytmes - adapting to a changing world

FAPESP#: 2013/50197-5

Paulo Yukio Gomes Sumida
Inst. Oceanográfico/USP

Andrew John Davies
Bangor University

Area: Biology 

Locating vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems on the brazilian shelf: maximising research potential

FAPESP#: 2013/50198-1

Aurea Maria Ciotti
Centro Biologia Marinha/USP

Stuart Rees Jenkins
Bangor University

Area: Geosciences

Integration of marine ecological processes at multiple spatial scales in the brazilian coastal zone

FAPESP#: 2013/50199-8

The call for proposals is available at: