
FAPESP and Agilent announce result of Call for Research Proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and Agilent announce result of Call for Research Proposals Two proposals in advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques related to synthetic biology and food safety were selected (photo:Agilent)

FAPESP and Agilent announce the result of the second call for research proposals under the scientific cooperation agreement between the institutions. The call had the objective of identify and select world-class research in advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques related to synthetic biology and food safety.

The total amount available under this request for proposals (RFP) is US$ 600,000.00, with 50% of this value to be provided by FAPESP and 50% by Agilent.

Proposals were presented under the norms of the modality Research Support Program for Technological Innovation in Partnership (PITE-FAPESP).

Selected proposals: 

Researchers Project title
Aparecida Maria Fontes
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (USP)

Synthetic Biology, Use of Humanized codons and microRNAs for the Production of a Biopharmaceutical for Gaucher Disease

FAPESP#: 2013/50450-2

Felix Guillermo Reyes Reyes 
Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos (Unicamp)

Veterinary drugs: development and validation of bioanalytical methods using LC-MS/MS and MALDI-TOF-MS and its applications in sanitary surveillance and the development of fish farming in Brazil

FAPESP#: 2013/50452-5

The call for proposals is available at: