Bolsa de PD em Avaliação de GEE em Ecossistemas Pecuários

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in GHG Assessment in Livestock Ecosystems

Nº: 6669

Área de conhecimento: Zootecnia

Field of knowledge: Animal science

Nº do processo FAPESP: 2021/10573-4

FAPESP process: 2021/10573-4

Título do projeto: Centro de Estudos de Carbono em Agricultura Tropical (CCARBON)

Project title: Center for Carbon Studies in Tropical Agriculture (CCARBON)

Área de atuação: Avaliação de ciclo de vida, emissão de gases do efeito estufa e produção de bovinos em pastagens

Working area: Life-cycle assessment, greenhouse gas emissions, cattle production on pastures

Quantidade de vagas: 1

Number of places: 1

Início: 01/03/2024

Start: 2024-03-01

Pesquisador responsável: Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri

Principal investigator: Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri

Unidade/Instituição: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ-USP)

Unit/Instituition: Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ-USP)

Data limite para inscrições: 12/02/2024

Deadline for submissions: 2024-02-12

Publicado em: 24/01/2024

Publishing date: 2024-01-24

Localização: Av. Pádua Dias, 11 – Departamento de Zootecnia (LZT), Piracicaba

Locale: Av. Pádua Dias, 11 – Departamento de Zootecnia (LZT), Piracicaba

E-mail para inscrições:

E-mail for proposal submission:

  • Resumo Summary

    O Centro de Estudos de Carbono em Agricultura Tropical (CCARBON) está oferecendo uma vaga de pós-doutorado para avaliar emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) em ciclo de vida de sistemas produção de bovinos em pastagens no Brasil. O CCARBON é um Centro de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão (CEPID) apoiado pela FAPESP, com sede na ESALQ-USP.

    O candidato aprovado será contratado para uma bolsa de 24 meses como pesquisador de pós-doutorado da FAPESP. É desejável que o candidato seja altamente motivado e tenha boa capacidade de trabalhar de forma colaborativa em grupo. A vaga requer habilidades em laboratório de análise de alimentos e produção de gases in vitro, métodos agronômicos de avaliações de pastagens e de GEE em ecossistemas pecuários. Também exige experiência com análise de dados e domínio em cálculos para inventários de GEE.

    A oportunidade está aberta para brasileiros e estrangeiros (é indispensável o domínio da língua portuguesa) com título de doutorado obtido há no máximo seis anos.

    Os candidatos devem encaminhar para o e-mail os seguintes documentos: i) carta de intenção, com motivos do interesse na vaga e breve descrição de experiência anteriores (máximo de 1 página); ii) Súmula curricular (máximo de 4 páginas – seguir o modelo da súmula curricular da FAPESP –; iii) histórico escolar de graduação e pós-graduação. No campo assunto do e-mail, preencher “Aplicação Pós-Doc CCARBON-CEPID”. Serão desconsideras inscrições com documentação incompleta.

    O selecionado receberá Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado da FAPESP no valor de R$ 9.047,40 mensais e Reserva Técnica equivalente a 10% do valor anual da bolsa para atender a despesas imprevistas e diretamente relacionadas à atividade de pesquisa.

    The Center for Carbon Research in Tropical Agriculture (CCARBON) is offering a post-doctorate fellowship to evaluate the impacts of using regional greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) factors on the life cycle of cattle production systems on pastures in Brazil. CCARBON is one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and has in the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP) its host institution.

    The approved candidate will be hired for a 24-month fellowship as a post-doc researcher. It is desirable that the candidate is highly motivated and has a good ability to work collaboratively in a group. The position requires skills in food analysis laboratory and in vitro gas production, as well as in agronomic methods for assessing pastures and GHG in livestock ecosystems. It also requires experience with data analysis, mastery of calculations for GHG inventories.

    The opportunity is open to Brazilians and foreigners (proficiency in the Portuguese language is essential) with a doctoral degree obtained within the last six years.

    Applicants must submit to email address the following documents: i) a brief letter describing previous experience and interest in the position (maximum 1 page); ii) a short CV in the FAPESP model – (maximum 4 pages), emphasizing the main academic indicators and links to Orcid, ResearchID and Google Scholar; iii) undergraduate and postgraduate academic records. In the subject field of the email, fill in: “Post-Doc Application CCARBON-CEPID”. Applications with incomplete documentation will be disregarded.

    The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 9,047.40 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity. 
    More information about the fellowship is at: [link nossa página]

    The Center for Carbon Research in Tropical Agriculture (CCARBON) is offering a post-doctorate fellowship to evaluate the impacts of using regional greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) factors on the life cycle of cattle production systems on pastures in Brazil. CCARBON is one of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and has in the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP) its host institution.

    The approved candidate will be hired for a 24-month fellowship as a post-doc researcher. It is desirable that the candidate is highly motivated and has a good ability to work collaboratively in a group. The position requires skills in food analysis laboratory and in vitro gas production, as well as in agronomic methods for assessing pastures and GHG in livestock ecosystems. It also requires experience with data analysis, mastery of calculations for GHG inventories.

    The opportunity is open to Brazilians and foreigners (proficiency in the Portuguese language is essential) with a doctoral degree obtained within the last six years.

    Applicants must submit to email address the following documents: i) a brief letter describing previous experience and interest in the position (maximum 1 page); ii) a short CV in the FAPESP model – (maximum 4 pages), emphasizing the main academic indicators and links to Orcid, ResearchID and Google Scholar; iii) undergraduate and postgraduate academic records. In the subject field of the email, fill in: “Post-Doc Application CCARBON-CEPID”. Applications with incomplete documentation will be disregarded.

    The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 9,047.40 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.