Fabiana Komesu Versão em português

Fabiana Komesu

Area Panel - Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor and researcher at the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), campus of São José do Rio Preto, since 2006, and in the graduate program of Linguistic Studies at that Institution since 2008.

She has a doctorate from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP, 2005), besides having done an internship abroad, at the Université de Paris XII, France (2002-2003). She did her post-doctorate studies in Applied Linguistics at the University of São Paulo (USP, 2012). She has been a FAPESP Young Investigator scholarship holder (2005-2006) and received a FAPESP Young Investigator research grant (2005-2009). She has been vice-chair of the Linguistic Studies Group of the São Paulo State (GEL, 2007-2009) and research member of the CAPES-COFECUB project (2015-2018). Currently, she coordinates an international research network with a CAPES-PrInt-UNESP grant (2019-to date) and participates as a research member in a Universal/CNPq project (2019-to date).

She leads the research group “Practices of Reading and Writing in Digital Context” registered in the CNPq Research Group Directory (since 2014) and is a member of the research groups “Studies about Language” (UNESP/CNPq, since 2006) and “Hypertext and Educational Technology Studies Research Center” (UFPE/CNPq, since 2007). She is a researcher of the working group (GT) “Language and Technologies” of the National Association for Graduate Studies and Research in Languages, Literature and Linguistics (ANPOLL, since 2010).

Her publications include papers in journals, book chapters, books, specialized translations on the topics of academic literacy, digital literacy, writing, discourse, Internet, and more recently, information/disinformation and fake news.

Page updated on 05/17/2024 - Published on 07/30/2020