FAPESP Supported
Research Highlights

Scientists use ash generated by burning of sugarcane bagasse to recover nutrients from vinasse
The method created at UFSCar converts the vinasse left over from ethanol production into a potassium- and nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

Care and empathy for animals
Researchers from various disciplines investigate ways to reduce pain and improve the quality of life for species used or consumed by humans.
Research Supported by FAPESP
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Brazil dries up
Climate change gives rise to a region with an arid climate, previously non-existant in the country.

Capable of complex operations, machines enable to investigate matters such as the effects of deforestation on climate and Milky Way evolution.

To improve its basic education, Brazil needs to renew undergraduate courses that prepare students to teach, as well as to create policies that make the teaching career attractive.

Agência FAPESP followed the DEGy Negro River Expedition in search for I. caiana, an electric fish species whose only four specimen known to science were collected in 1968 at an inaccurately-described site.

Increasingly widespread use of antibiotics fosters the appearance of superbacteria defying science and health systems.

FAPESP Annual Activity Report - 2023
In 2023, FAPESP approved 56 proposals to purchase large items of research
equipment resulting from three calls issued in 2022 and corresponding to an aggregate investment of $ PPP 184.4 million.