
Call will foster academic exchange between São Paulo and Germany Versão em português

Call receives proposals of up to two years of duration to stimulate cooperation in any area of scientific knowledge.

FAPESP launches together with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) a call to foster exchange activities between researchers from the state of São Paulo and Germany in all areas of knowledge.

The institutions will receive until June 6, 2022 proposals conceived jointly between a project leader in Germany and a principal investigator for an ongoing FAPESP research grant.

Principal investigators, co-investigators or associate researchers are eligible for exchange activities on both the German and São Paulo sides, as well as early career members of the project team – which includes fellows holding postdoctoral, doctorate or direct doctorate grants.

In the proposal, the contenders should describe the planned exchange activities, indicating how they will contribute to the ongoing research project in the partner institution. In addition, the proposal should explain how the exchange would support the preparation of a joint research project to be submitted by the two parties to their respective funding agencies – thus creating the conditions for medium to long-term collaboration between the São Paulo and German research projects.

After selecting the winning proposals, FAPESP and DAAD will each provide a maximum annual amount of 16,000 euros per project, financing the teams of their respective countries. Projects can last up to two years and should use resources in activities such as exchange of researchers, visits for research planning, international workshops and initial data collection activities.

Submissions must be made exclusively via the SAGe System. The researcher from Germany, while submitting the proposal within the same timeframe through DAAD channels, needs to register in SAGe in order to be included in the proposal as a team member.

The proposal call is available at:

Page updated on 05/09/2022 - Published on 05/09/2022