Cátia Favale Versão em português
Area Panel - Research for Innovation
Bachelor in Pharmacy. She has stricto sensudegree in Biotechnoscience program at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC).
She has worked as consultant and processes auditor in the implementation of pharmaceutical industry strategies. She has worked on projects to disseminate entrepreneurship best practices for students and teachers at UFABC and was a startup mentor for PIPE Empreendedor FAPESP in several editions.
Cátia worked for more than 20 years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry and other companies in the pharmaceutical chain. She has extensive experience in designing and implementing new projects for the segment, from prospection to negotiation, including marketing, technical-regulatory, commercial aspects, and resources and competencies to innovate.
The research interests are the adoption of new technologies, innovation management, ANVISA, and technological development in Brazil.
She taught for 4 years in the Biochemical Pharmacy undergraduate program and currently holds updating courses and lectures about Innovation and Sustainability.