Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano Versão em português

Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano

Area Panels - Health Science

Occupational therapist from the Federal University of São Carlos (2001), with a Specialization in Public Strategic Management from the State University of Campinas (2006), Master's in Education from the State University of Campinas (2004), and a Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of São Paulo (2008).

Associate Professor at the Department of Occupational Therapy and the Postgraduate Program in Occupational Therapy at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Doctoral internship at the Centre de Recherche Médecine, Science, Santé et Société at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France (2007-2008). Postdoctoral Fellowship in Occupational Science at the Faculty of Occupational Therapy at Western University, Ontario, Canada, and Dalhousie University, Canada (2013). Visiting researcher at Griffity University, Australia (2018-2019), and Visiting Professor at Western University, Canada (2024). Currently, she is a Collaborating Professor at Dalhousie University, Canada.

She has been part of the Metuia Network - Social Occupational Therapy since 1999. She was the coordinator of the Academic Master's and Ph.D. courses of the Postgraduate Program in Occupational Therapy at UFSCar, being involved from its project (2009) with its management until 2022.

Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy since 2010.

She works in the field of Occupational Therapy, with an emphasis on Social Occupational Therapy and Public Health, mainly focusing on the following topics: social occupational therapy, public policy, youth, citizenship, and marginalized populations.

Page updated on 05/17/2024 - Published on 05/17/2024