Ilson Carlos Almeida da Silveira Versão em português

Ilson Carlos Almeida da Silveira

Area Panel - Geosciences

Graduated in Oceanography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) in 1984, obtained a master's degree in Physical Oceanography from the University of São Paulo (USP) in 1990, and earned a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences: Physical Oceanography from the University of New Hampshire (USA) in 1996. Conducted postdoctoral research at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island (USA) in 1996/1997.

Has been a faculty member at the Oceanographic Institute (IO) of USP since 1997, holding the position of Full Professor since 2011. Was a visiting researcher at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015 and at the School of Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) - Dartmouth.

As president of the Graduate Committee of IO-USP, established the second international USP graduate program (Doctorate level) in Marine Sciences, between USP and UMass-Dartmouth in 2011. Was coordinator of the graduate programs in Physical Oceanography, and subsequently, of the unified graduate program in Oceanography for 11 years. Has supervised over 40 doctoral theses and master's dissertations at IOUSP.

Was a member and coordinator of the CNPq Advisory Committee in Oceanography. In 2013, received the title of "Honorary Hydrographer" from the Brazilian Navy for contributions to the study of Physical Oceanography of the Brazilian continental margin.

His expertise is in mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics associated with western boundary currents, with an emphasis on studies of hydrodynamic instability and vortex formation. Conducts research in experimental, theoretical, and numerical dynamic oceanography.

Page updated on 05/21/2024 - Published on 05/21/2024