Angelo Berchieri Junior Versão em português

Angelo Berchieri Junior

Area Panels - Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences

Full Professor of Ornithopathology, Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences (FCAV), Jaboticabal campus, São Paulo State University (Unesp).

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 1978 from FCAV-Unesp. Master’s in Microbiology and Immunology from ICB-University of São Paulo (USP), in 1983, and PhD in Microbiology from ICB-USP, in 1985. Completed postdoctoral fellowships at the “Institute for Animal Health” in Houghton and Compton, United Kingdom, where he conducted studies on avian salmonellosis of interest to poultry farming and public health.
He was the head of the Department of Veterinary Pathology and the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Veterinary Pathology and later in Veterinary Medicine at FCAV-Unesp.

He was a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) ad hoc working group that drafted recommendations on Biosecurity in poultry farms and control of avian salmonellosis. He was part of the technical team of Fundação de Apoio a Ciência e Tecnologia Avícola (Facta) for organizing national and international events in poultry farming.

Member of the São Paulo Poultry Association for organizing annual events on egg production and commercialization, and of the organizing committee for the egg production event at FCAV-Unesp. Member of the Avian Health Committee of the state of São Paulo (Coesa).

Page updated on 06/10/2024 - Published on 06/10/2024