Débora Bevilaqua Grossi Versão em português

Débora Bevilaqua Grossi

Area Panels - Health Science

Physical Therapist from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in 1990, with a master's degree (1996) and a doctorate (1998) in Oral Pathology Biology from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Completed postdoctoral studies at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Headache Center, NY-USA (2008-2009).

Full Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP), and current head of the Department of Health Sciences.

She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (2010-2016) and is currently on the editorial board. She is a CNPq 1B Researcher and a member of the Multidisciplinary Health Committee of CNPq (2013-2016) and (2019-present).

Her research focuses on Posture and Human Movement, primarily addressing painful dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system in both evaluation and therapeutic resources used. She coordinated and is currently a supervisor for the Graduate Program in Rehabilitation and Functional Performance at FMRP.

Since 2005, she has been responsible for the Headache and TMJ Physical Therapy Clinic at HC-FMRP/USP, where she conducts clinical research studying the musculoskeletal and functional repercussions in the craniocervical system.

Page updated on 06/17/2024 - Published on 06/17/2024