
FAPESP announces result for call with the Network of Italian Universities Versão em português

FAPESP announces result for call with the Network of Italian Universities

By taking part on the call through CONFAP, FAPESP brought the opportunity for internships at one of the network’s universities to Master's, Doctoral, Direct Doctorate or Post-Doctoral scholarship holders as part of their ongoing projects.

FAPESP announces the result for a call launched in last December with the Network of Italian Universities, which is composed of 14 institutions. The call represented na opportunity for recipients of FAPESP Post-Doctoral, Doctoral, Direct Doctorate or Master's scholarships to carry out short and medium-term internships at Italian universities, in any area of knowledge.

One proposal was selected. In accordance with the rules of the call, the winning proposal’s fellowship for Research Internship Abroad (BEPE must necessarily be part of the research project on which the ongoing fellowship is based.

The call is part of the CONFAP/Italy 2023 Mobility Program, which results from the scientific cooperation agreement signed between, on the one hand, the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (CONFAP) – representing FAPESP and other state Research Support Foundations (FAPs) – and, on the other hand, the Network of Italian Universities. The 2023 edition of the call was the fourth time FAPESP joined the mobility program.

Selected proposal:

Data Management and Strategic Planning in hybrid modeling processes of Architectural Heritage
Grant number: 2024/04163-6
Agreement: Network of Italian Universities
Beneficiary: Maisa Fonseca de Almeida
PI: Márcio Minto Fabricio
PI abroad: Alfonso Ippolito
Institution abroad: Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Host institution: Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de São Carlos/IAUSC/USP
Support opportunity: Bolsas no Exterior – Estágio de Pesquisa – Pós-Doutorado

Photo by Carlos Ibáñez on Unsplash