
FAPESP and ANR announce result of call for proposals Versão em português

FAPESP and ANR announce result of call for proposals One proposal was selected in the call issued in 2016 (photo: Wikimedia)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France, announce the result of a call for collaborative research proposals issued in 2016.

The aim was to select and fund collaborative research projects between researchers from the State of São Paulo and researchers from France.

Selected proposal:

Spatio temporal analysis of pediatric magnetic resonance images
Processo / Grant number 2017/50236-1
Acordo / Agreement ANR
Pesq. Resp. / PI Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior
Pesq. Resp. Ext. / PI abroad Isabelle Bloch
Instit.Exterior / Instit. abroad LCTI - ParisTech
Instit. sede / Host Institution IME - USP


The call for proposals is published (in Portuguese) at: