Diana Gonçalves Vidal Versão em português

Diana Gonçalves Vidal

Area Panel - Humanities and Social Sciences (CHS III)

Diana Gonçalves Vidal completed her PhD in History of Education at the University of São Paulo (USP) in 1995. After that, she began her academic career at the same University. In 2005 she became Associated Professor and in 2010 Full Professor.

She is member of the Editorial Board of International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)/Palgrave Macmillan's Global Histories of Education (and former editor-in-chief from 2016 to 2020), Senior Editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education; member of the Editorial Board of the History of Education journal (UK) and coordinator of the “Project Knowledges and practices in borders: toward a transnational history of education (1810-...)” (FAPESP 2018/26699-4).

She served the Executive Committee of ISCHE (2014-2021) and as its Treasurer (2018-2021). She is a former member of the International Advisory Board of the British Journal for Educational Studies (BJES) (2019-2021); President of Brazilian History of Education Society (2003-2007); President of the Committee for Education at CNPq (National Council for Research), National State Department of Science and Technology, Brazil (2012-2015); vice-dean of Faculty of Education (USP) (2014-2018) and dean of Brazilian Studies Institute (USP) (2018-2022).

She has been awarded scholarships by a variety of organizations and foundations, such as the Directeurs d'Etudes Associés, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (France, 2018) and Carolina Foundation (2007). Served as visiting professor in Argentina at Universidade San Andres (2001), FLACSO-Argentina (2006-2009, 2020-2022) and Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2017); in France, at the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (2002); in the United Kingdom, as Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Education, University College London (2015); and in China at the Beijing Normal University (2018).

Her research interests include the New Education, school culture, school practices, historiography of education, connected and transnational history and digital humanities. She has published books, articles and chapters on these issues.

Page updated on 05/26/2022 - Published on 05/26/2022