
FAPESP launches call with Institut Pasteur and USP Versão em português

FAPESP announces the launch of a call for proposals with the Institut Pasteur and the University of São Paulo, the result of the cooperation agreement signed by the institutions in December 2001.

This is an international call for applications for young researchers in the life sciences to lead a four-year research group (“G4”) within the Institut Pasteur of São Paulo (previously The Pasteur-USP Scientific Platform), hosted by the University of São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil. A G4 is a programme for supporting a new structure in an institute belonging to the Pasteur Institut Network.

The applicant should ideally be an early to mid-career post-doctoral scientist (between 5 - 10 years of postdoctoral position), wishing to establish a research group as an independent researcher in relation with the scientific strategy of the host institute.

The proposed research project should be innovative and timely yet realistic within the 4-year timeframe of the award. He/she should be able to conduct his/her research in an independent manner, initiate collaborations, and will have demonstrated his/her capacity to secure international funding.

The G4 award holder will be encouraged to develop and strengthen his/her capacity to manage a team and to welcome and supervise Masters and PhD students, as well as interns.

Research must be focused on monitoring viral respiratory diseases in humans/animals with epidemic/pandemic potential, the priorities will be given to Pandemic Grippe and Avian Flu.

The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is December 15, 2023.

The call for proposals is published at:

Page updated on 11/07/2023 - Published on 11/07/2023