
Agreement between FAPESP and Fonds de Recherche du Québec (2024)



Fonds de recherche du Quebec
140 Grande Allee Est, bureau 450
Quebec, Quebec, Canada
G1R 5M8
(henceforth called “FRQ”)


São Paulo Research Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), established by the Law nº 5.918, of October 18th, 1960, with headquarters at Rua Pio XI, 1500, Alto da Lapa, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, enrolled in CNPJ/MF under nº 43.828.151/0001-45, herein represented, by its President, Professor Marco Antonio Zago, according to Article 11, “a” of Law nº 5.918, combined with its General Rule approved by Decree n° 40.132, of May 23, 1962

Rua Pio XI, 1500 - Alto da Lapa
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
(henceforth called “FAPESP”)

WHEREAS this present Agreement covers activities supported by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature and Technologies Sector (FRQ – NT sector), whose mission is to promote and financially support research, training of researchers, and knowledge exchange in the fields related to natural sciences, mathematical sciences and engineering, and considering that the FRQ supports existing, well-established scientific research teams in the Province of Québec;

WHEREAS the FAPESP’s mission is to promote and financially support research, training of researchers, and knowledge exchange in all fields of knowledge and the development in the State of São Paulo, Brazil;

Considering the importance of promoting cooperation in scientific and technological research between the Province of Québec, Canada and the State of São Paulo, Brazil;

Wishing to strengthen their cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit;

Wishing to collaborate in pursuing their shared goal of promoting technological innovation in their respective regions;

Wishing to promote initiatives and collaboration in scientific research and technological development in priority areas of interest to the FRQ – NT sector and FAPESP;

The FRQ and FAPESP (henceforth called “the Participants”) have agreed as follows:

1. This Agreement for Scientific or Technological Cooperation (henceforth called the “Agreement”) provides a framework for collaboration on promotion and facilitation of bilateral Research, Development and Innovation projects between institutions for science and technology in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and in the Province of Québec, Canada.

2. The Participants understand that their collaboration will be established based on a joint action plan.

3. (a)The Participants will establish a Steering Committee.

(b) The Participants will designate up to two representatives to the Steering Committee.

(c)The Participants understand that the Steering Committee will attempt to meet twice a year, following terms of reference to be determined by the Steering Committee.

(d) The terms of reference will define their shared goals and will allow follow-up discussion. The Steering Committee will decide on a joint action plan.

4. Each Participant will designate a project leader in charge of applying this Agreement.

5. Each Participant will bear its own costs in carrying out the activities associated with this Agreement.

Terms of this Agreement

6. The Participants agree that this Agreement does not confer exclusive rights on the activities referred to therein and that each Participant may carry out similar activities in collaboration with other partners.

7. The Participants may publish information, press releases, or publications concerning this Agreement, subject to prior approval of the text by the other Participant. However, it is understood that the Participants may use the name of the other or refer to this Agreement without prior permission for internal documents or reports required for verification. Finally, using the logos of one Participant by the other requires the express authorization of this Participant.

8. The Participants agree that when the actions taken by virtue of this Agreement result in products of commercial value and intellectual property rights, they will be regulated by national legislation and international conventions in force.

9. This Agreement will take effect on the date of its last signature by the Participants and will remain in effect for five (5) years.

10. The Participants may extend this Agreement for an additional five (5) years by mutual written consent.

11. The Participants may amend this Agreement by mutual written consent.

12. Each Participant may terminate this Agreement by giving the other Participant 90 days’ written notice.

13. The Participants agree that, irrespective of the actual date of termination of this Agreement, this termination will not affect undertakings or ongoing activities or programs that were agreed upon prior to termination.

14. The Participants shall maintain the highest ethical and legal standards in funding research under this Agreement.

15. The Participants agree that this Agreement is produced in good faith, so that any dispute or divergent interpretation in relation to its implementation, execution and compliance will be resolved jointly by them and shall be in writing.
This AGREEMENT is made and signed in triplicate, in Portuguese, French and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the different language versions, the English text shall prevail.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the FRQ and FAPESP, have signed this Agreement on the dates and at the place indicated below:

Janice Bailey, Scientific Director
FRQ – Nature and Technologies Sector

Marco Antonio Zago, President

Page updated on 09/16/2024 - Published on 09/16/2024