Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Climate Change and Entrepreneurship (26 e 27/2/2009)

Thursday 26th February 2009
Chair: Dr Carlos Nobre
Welcome Coffe
9:00-9:15 Professor Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Scientific Director FAPESP
9:15-9:20 Dr Dipali Chauhan, International Relations Manager, IOP
9:20-9:25 Dr Alejandra Palermo, Manager, International Projects, RSC
  [LINK=5054]Dr Patrick Dunlop[link]
9:30-9:45 Introduction and Workshop Goals
Dr. Carlos A. Nobre, INPE
9:45-10:20 “Chemistry, Engineering and Climate Change”
Dr Richard Pike, Chairman, Working Party on Chemistry and Energy, (EuCheMS) and CEO, Royal Society of Chemistry
10:20-10:55 “A sustainable energy future: what can science do?”
Professor José Goldemberg, University of São Paulo
10:55-11:15 Coffee/Tea Break
  Chair: Professor Richard Templer, Imperial College
11:15-11:50 "Technology Transfer-Translating Research into Economic Benefit"
Professor David Secher, University of Cambridge
11:50-12:25 “World Challenges and Climate Change: the Role of Brazil”
Professor Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Director of COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
12:25-13:00 “Commercial Opportunities for Sustainable Technology to Mitigate Climate Change”
Professor John Twidell, CEO, AMSET Centre
13:00-14:30 Lunch
  Chair : Professor Luiz Pinguelli Rosa
14:30-15:05 “Synergy in food, fuels and materials production”
Professor Fernando Galembeck, University of Campinas
15:05-15:40 “Climate Change Impacts and Opportunities in Agriculture” 
Professor John Lucas, Rothamsted Research
15:40-16:00 Coffee/Tea Break
16:00-16:35 “Opportunities in Brazil for Biological Carbon Sequestration" 
Professor Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo


Friday 27th February 2009
  Chair: Professor José Goldemberg
9:00-9:35 “Bioenergy in Brazil”  
Professor Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Scientific Director of FAPESP
9:35-10:10 “Enhancing Solar Disinfection of Water for Application in Developing Regions” 
Dr Patrick Dunlop, University of Ulster
10:10-10:45 “Assessment of Solar and Wind Energy Resources in Brazil” 
Dr. Enio Bueno Pereira, CST-INPE
10:45-11:05 Coffee/Tea Break
  Chair : Professor David Secher
11:05-11:40 “Can We Make Lignocellulosic Biofuels Sustainable?”  
Professor Richard Templer, Imperial College London
11:40-12:15 “Animal lignocellulosic digestion as a model for new technologies and standards in the enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse” <
Dr. Eloi de Souza Garcia, INMETRO
12:15-12:50 “Solar Photovoltaics-The challenges and potential for research into a sustainable future” 
Dr Ian Forbes, Operations Manager, Northumbria Photovoltaics Applications Centre (NPAC)
12:50-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:55 “Opportunities for climate change mitigation in the Brazilian agricultural sector” 
Dr. Carlos Cerri, CENA/USP
14:55-15:30 “Climate Change and Bioengineering” 
Professor Paul Valdes, University of Bristol
15:30 15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:30 Round Table Discussion
  [LINK=5053 ]Chair: Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz[/LINK], FAPESP