
Preparation Instructions for Joint DFG/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals

General information for the applicants

This document describes the instructions for applicants of joint DFG/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals under the terms of the Agreement signed between both Institutions.

1. This joint DFG/FAPESP research funding program shall encompass researchers from universities and research institutions in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and in the Federal Republic of Germany to develop collaborative research projects.

2. The proposals, to be developed in two years, can be sent any time without submission deadlines. FAPESP and DFG will inform their respective community about these opportunities jointly.

3. The joint proposal must have two Principal Investigators, one in São Paulo and one in Germany. They will be the central contact for the project management towards FAPESP and DFG, respectively.

4. The proposal evaluation will be agreementing to the regular procedures used by FAPESP and DFG. The proposals will be funded only if they are approved on both sides.

5. The results will be announced jointly.

6. The research proposal must be accompanied by the proper forms required by each institution (DFG or FAPESP) for regular research grants.

7. The joint research proposalmust:

7.1. be written in English language

7.2. be submitted to FAPESP and DFG simultaneously

7.3. have the same scientific kernel

7.3.1. the scientific kernel of the joint research proposal should be not longer than 20 pages in length and contain a clear account of the problem to be researched, the expected original results and contributions to be achieved as well as the impact on the scientific (and non-scientific) community. It contains also a review of the state of the art for the research topic and related area, a detailed working plan including the methodology applied to the project, an overview of the required funding, description of the qualification of the involved research teams as well as their complementary and collaborative scientific capacities

7.4. The scientific kernel of the research proposal should clearly describe the collaborative character of the proposal and should contain the following items:

7.4.1. Title/topic of the research project

7.4.2. Research area and field of work. Please include your discipline and your field of specialisation

7.4.3. Names of all the applicants and co-applicants and the respective institutions (in Germany and São Paulo). If there are several applicants, please identify who will act as principal investigator(s), assuming responsibility for the overall management of the project and being accountable for the use of the funds granted

7.4.4. A summary of the research project with approximately 20 lines in length;

7.4.5. A statement indicating if this is a new proposal or continuation of already funded research;

7.4.6. Review or state of the art in the area or topic

7.4.7. Preliminary work, progress report

7.4.8. Objectives

7.4.9. Detailed work schedule including the methodology and procedures

7.4.10.Results expected from the research project


8.In case of approval, the research projects will be funded by each partner institution to benefit their own community of researchers. Funding will be granted from the regular budgets of DFG and FAPESP. There will not be available specific funds for DFG/FAPESP research grants.

8.1. The documents of the proposal submitted to FAPESP must be accompanied by a detailed budget of items to be financed by FAPESP itself, agreementing to the required forms for regular research grants. A summary of the items to be financed by the DFG counterpart must also be attached.

8.2. The documents of the proposals submitted to DFG must be accompanied by a detailed budget of items to be financed by DFG itself, agreementing to the required forms for regular research grants. A summary of the items to be financed by the FAPESP counterpart must also be attached.

9. Required additional documents are listed in the web sites of the funding institutions, but all projects must also present:

9.1. Description of the research team in both countries

9.2. Curriculum Vitae of the participants

10.The specific documents required for application DFG/FAPESP Research Grant Proposals may be found at:

for FAPESP see:

for DFG see: