
FAPESP - Cofecub

The cooperative agreement between FAPESP and the Comitê Francês de Avaliação da Cooperação Universitária com o Brasil (Cofecub, French Committee for the Evaluation of University-Level Cooperation with Brazil) is aimed at maintaining the joint fellowship program established for recent graduates of doctoral programs in France.

FAPESP offers these fellowships to highly qualified applicants who are recent recipients of a doctoral degree and are currently working in France. The fellowships are intended to allow the recipients to participate in research projects at a university or research institute in the state of São Paulo. The research activity in which the recipients will be engaged must be part of one of the projects funded by FAPESP via the research support modality designated “thematic projects”.

These postdoctoral fellowships are available to recent recipients of a doctoral degree who have distinguished themselves in the area of science or technology. Those who have held their degrees for less than five years will be given priority. Fellowship applications should be submitted to both agencies: the coordinator of the thematic project should submit the application to FAPESP; and the candidate should submit the application to Cofecub.

The duration of fellowships granted by FAPESP via this program is one year, with the possibility of annual renewals for a maximum of three years. However, the duration of the fellowship shall not exceed that of the project. Scientific reports are issued on a semi-annual basis, and the renewal of the fellowship is conditional on the performance of the fellowship holder, as analyzed by FAPESP raters.


Page updated on 10/27/2009 - Published on 10/27/2009