FAPESP and University of Bath announce result of call for proposals

FAPESP and University of Bath announce result of call for proposals Two proposals for the exchange of researchers between the State of São Paulo and UK were selected (Un.Bath)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and the University of Bath, United Kingdom announce the result of a call for proposals for the exchange of researchers issued under the Scientific Cooperation Agreement between the institutions.

The call was open to interested researchers affiliated to the University of Bath and researchers affiliated to higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo.

The call invited research proposals in all fields of knowledge. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months.

FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent to £5,000.00 per proposal and per year and the University of Bath will provide funding of up to £5,000.00 per proposal and per year, for the period established in the award, to cover reasonable mobility expenses.

Selected proposals:

Researchers Title
Reinaldo Otávio Alvarenga Alves de Brito
Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde/UFSCar

Jason Wolf
University of Bath

Comparison of intra- and inter-specific genetic architecture of speciation in South-American Fruit Flies

FAPESP#: 2013/50202-9

Carlos Frederico Mendonça Raupp
Inst. Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas/USP

Paul Milewski
University of Bath

Long-short wave interactions in the atmospheric dynamics

FAPESP#: 2013/50204-1

The call for proposals is available at: www.fapesp.br/en/7501

Page updated on 07/17/2013 - Published on 07/17/2013