
FAPESP and CALDO announce result of call for proposals

Ten projects for the exchange of researchers between the State of São Paulo and Canada were selected

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and The Consortium of Alberta, Laval, Dalhousie and Ottawa Universities (CALDO), Canada, make public the result of a public call for proposals for the support of research projects involving the exchange of researchers under the scientific cooperation agreement between the institutions.

Ten proposals were selected, in several fields of knowledge. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.

FAPESP will provide funding of up to the equivalent of Ca$12,500, in Brazilian money (Real $), per two-year project and CALDO institutions will provide funding of up to Ca$12,500 per two-year project, for the period established in the award, to cover mobility expenses and other research-related expenses.
Selected proposals:

Researchers Title
Mauricio da Silva Baptista
Niobium nanoparticles: preparation, catalytic properties and applications in PDT
Nº FAPESP: 2013/50395-1
William Tadeu Lara Festuccia

Polyphenol enriched fruit extracts as alternative therapy against adipocyte dysfunctions associated with obesity and metabolic disorders

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50394-5

Beatriz Amaral de Castilho
Escola Paulista de Medicina – Unifesp

Alternative translation mechanisms in health and disease

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50377-3

Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira

Visual text analytics

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50380-4

Gustavo Enrique de Almeida Prado Alves Batista


Research on geo-spatial marine biology data mining using time series, text mining and visualization

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50379-6

Guido Costa Souza de Araújo

IC – Unicamp

Applying speculative parallelism and feedback-directed optimization to improve performance

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50376-7

Gherhardt Ribatski

Nature-inspired micro-heat spreaders for enhanced flow boiling

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50324-7

José Eduardo Spinelli


Microstructural analysis of Sn-Cu and Sn-Ag-Cu lead free solder alloys under fast and slow cooling

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50375-0

Marcio Fuzeto Gameiro


Rigorous computations for nonlinear partial differential equations

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50382-7

Munir Salomão Skaf

IQ - Unicamp

In silico screening and understanding of advanced nano-materials for molecular capture related to clean energy applications

Nº FAPESP: 2013/50381-0

The call for proposals is available at:

Page updated on 10/21/2013 - Published on 10/21/2013