FAPESP and Belmont Forum announce a new call for proposals Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces a new call for research proposals with the Belmont Forum, group of institutions to encourage research on global changes.
The call is included in the Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action on “Mountains as Sentinels of Change - 2015” and is supported by Belmont Forum selected funding agencies from different countries including FAPESP for the participation of researchers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
The call for proposals aims at fostering research on climate, environmental and related societal change in mountain regions, considering both new measurements, recovery of existing data, and the development and use of integrated modelling strategies by adopting a strong trans- and inter-disciplinary approach.
The five main themes that characterize this “Mountains as Sentinels of Change” collaborative action are: “Drivers of change”, “ Ecosystems and Biodiversity”, “Water”, “Hazards, Vulnerability and Risks”, “Adaptation and Resilience”.
The call for proposals encourages the formation of new international networks for 18 to 36 months, beginning in 2016 to be selected with a two-stage procedure (pre-proposal stage followed by a full proposal stage for the projects that successfully go through the previous stage).
Funding should support proposals that combine significant contributions by scientists from at least three of the participating countries. Depending on all conditions of eligibility and peer review being met, the budget earmarked by FAPESP for this call will be equivalent of up to € 1 million.
Proposals will be processed by FAPESP as Regular Research Grants for up to 24 months or as a Thematic Project Research Grants for up to 36 months, upon discretion of the proponent.
A research matching application ( is available to all researchers interested in the Belmont Forum opportunities. This database is available now and searchable for those interested in finding a collaborator with a certain background or within a specific topic area. All researchers should please consider registering for this service.
The closing date for submission of pre-proposals is June 1st, 2015.
The call for proposals is available at: