FAPESP announces result of call for proposals for SPRINT Versão em português

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces the result of the first call for proposals in 2015 for SPRINT - São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration, a strategy designed to encourage and promote the advancement of scientific research through the engagement of researchers affiliated with research institutions in the State of São Paulo with researcher partners abroad. 21 proposals were selected.
In this call the partners that participate are:
Australia: University of Melbourne and Victoria University.
Canada: University of Victoria.
Netherlands: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
United Kingdom: University of London Institute of Education, University of Bath, University of Manchester, University of Oxford and University of Warwick.
FAPESP will provide the selected proposals with funds for travel (air tickets), health insurance and living allowances for researchers from the State of São Paulo that will visit the partner institution.
Selected proposals:
Researchers |
Title |
Carlos Frederico Martins Menck Gijsbertus Theodorus Johannes van der Horst |
Impact of the circadian clock on the DNA repair capacity and drug sensitivity of normal and cancer cells: towards chronopersonalized chemotherapy FAPESP#: 2015/50080-6 |
Lauro Wichert Ana Dick Tibboel |
Correlation with different clinical stages in patients with Parkinson’s disease and neuropathic pain: validation of the rotterdam elderly pain observation scale (REPOS) FAPESP#: 2015/50089-3 |
Rodolfo de Paula Vieira Bart Lambrecht |
A deep dive in the world of dendritic cells: their role in asthma and exercise immunology FAPESP#: 2015/50079-8 |
José Alberto Cuminato Jonathan David Evans |
Asymptotic and simulation of complex fluids FAPESP#: 2015/50094-7 |
Marcelo Mulato Pedro Miguel de Lemos Correia Estrela |
Towards novel biosensor devices for improved cancer diagnosis FAPESP#: 2015/50082-9 |
Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira Stephen Payne |
New empirical approaches to understanding infovis FAPESP#: 2015/50083-5 |
Jorge Fernando Brandão Pereira Maria Gonzales-Miguel |
Characterization and modelling of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of ionic liquids (ILS) and polymers: a boost towards developing sustainable biopharmaceutical separation FAPESP#: 2015/50058-0 |
Thais Mauad Adrian Hearn |
Achieving sustainable food production and irrigation in São Paulo and Melbourne FAPESP#: 2015/50081-2 |
Mariana Cabral De Oliveira Heroen Verbruggen |
Marine genomic: genome biology and evolution of key primary producers FAPESP#: 2015/50078-1 |
André Gustavo Tempone Edward Alexander Anderson |
Brazilian biodiversy as a source for novel drug scaffolds against neglected protozoan diseases FAPESP#: 2015/50075-2 |
Eduardo Cleto Pires Rená Bañares Alcantara |
Recovery and storage of renewable energy from biorefinery wastewater FAPESP#: 2015/50105-9 |
Helenice Mercier J.A.C. (Andrew) Smith |
Improving the efficiency of water and nitrogen use by crop plants FAPESP#: 2015/50109-4 |
Marco Aurélio Gerosa Daniel German |
Software engineering newcomers barriers and motivations to onboard open source software projects FAPESP#: 2015/50084-1 |
Danilo Rothberg Joanne Garde-Hansen |
Narratives of water (NOW): a cross-cultural exploration of digital hydro-citizenship in the UK and Brazil FAPESP#: 2015/50070-0 |
Hudson Giovani Zanin Rohit Bhagat |
Brazil and UK collaboration for energy storage and supply FAPESP#: 2015/50093-0 |
Marcelo Eiras John Antony Walsh |
Characterization of potyviruses infecting vegetable crops in Brazil and the stability of resistance identified in Europe to South American potyviruses FAPESP#: 2015/50076-9 |
Marie Anne Van Sluys Katherine J. Denby |
Extending synthetic biology collaborations between WISB and BSSB FAPESP#: 2015/50102-0 |
Sandra Guardini Teixeira Vasconcelos Ross Forman |
Displacements: the novel without frontiers FAPESP#: 2015/50077-5 |
Claudio Miguel da Costa Neto Michel Bouvier |
Development of biosensors for monitoring signaling in subcellular compartments: a powerful molecular tool for drug discovery FAPESP#: 2015/50086-4 |
Fabio Iocco Christoph Weniger |
Multichannel particle searches in the precision era of dark matter astronomy FAPESP#: 2015/50073-0 |
Roberto Santana da Silva Alexandra R. Fernandes e Pedro Viana |
Cytotoxicity and photo-cytotoxicity of nitrosyl ruthenium anticancer drug in aqueous solution or incorporated in a drug delivery innovative purpose for metal based drug FAPESP#: 2015/50101-3 |
The call for proposals is published at: