Impact Evaluation of FAPESP's Programs
FAPESP is engaged in evaluating the multidimensional impacts of its programs and instruments. In the past decade several programs have been evaluated measuring scientific, technological, economic, and social impacts.
This page presents reports, articles in journals and other documents presenting the methodologies and results of the evaluations already implemented. It also provides links for documents from other funding agencies and for events related to evaluation of STI activities.
Manuals and documents of reference
- Evaluation of the Small Business Innovation Research Program in Japan
- Evaluation Revisited Improving the Quality of Evaluative Practice by Embracing Complexity - Conference report
- World Bank/IDB - Impact Evaluation in Practice - Second edition
- NSF - Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities
- NSF - Evaluation of the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- NSF - Framework for Evaluating Impacts of Broadening Participation Projects
- NSF - Perspectives on Broader Impacts
- NSF - Science and Engineering Indicators 2016
- OECD - Measuring Innovation: A new perspective
- Overview of Evaluation Methods for R&D Programs
- Overview of Models of Performance-Based Research Funding Systems (PRFS)
- Research Councils UK - Efficiency 2011-15: Ensuring Excellence with Impact
- Research Councils UK - Evaluation: Practical Guidelines
- Research Councils UK - Financial Sustainability and Efficiency in Full Economic Costing of Research in UK Higher Education Institutions
- Research Excellence Framework - Assessment framework and guidance on submissions
- TAFTIE - Evaluation Reference Model
- Tekes Review - Better results, more value: A framework for analysing the societal impact of Research and Innovation
- The Metric Tide - Report of the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Reseaech Assessment and Management
- Vinnova's Focus on Impact: A Joint Approach for Logic Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Analysis
- What is the relationship between public and private investment in R&D?
Links for Associations
- American Evaluation Society
- Canadian Evaluation Society
- Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR)
- European Evaluation Society
- Impact Evaluation Network
- International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation
- Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento e Avaliação
Related events
European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation – EU-SPRI. "STI Policies for Sustainable
Development Goals". Utrecht, 3-5 June 2020
Triple Helix Conference 2020, Tampere, Finland, 15-17 June 2020
STI Conference 2020. Aarhus, 2-4 September 2020
American Evaluation Association. Portland, 26-31 October 2020
ICCSIB 2020: 14. International Conference on Cybermetrics, Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics.
Barcelona, 21-22 October 2020
Reports and Executive Summaries of Program Evaluation
English versions will be available soon.NEW EVALUATION:
(evaluated period: 1990 a 2018 | concluded in: 12/2019) -
(evaluated period: 2003 a 2018 | concluded in: 12/2019) -
(evaluated period: 2003 a 2018 | concluded in: 12/2019)
BIOTA - Research Program on Biodiversity: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1998–2009 | concluded in: 07/2012) -
SCHOLARSHIPS: Evaluation | Executive
(evaluated period: 1995–2009 | concluded in: 07/2012) -
MULTI-USER EQUIPMENT: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1998–2009 | concluded in: 07/2012) -
YOUNG INVESTIGATOR: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1995–2006 | concluded in: 04/2008) -
PIPE – Small Business: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1997–2006 | concluded in: 04/2008) -
PITE – Industry – Academic partnership: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1995–2006 | concluded in: 04/2008) -
PUBLIC POLICIES: Evaluation | Executive Summary
(evaluated period: 1998–2006 | concluded in: 04/2008)
Articles and books on impact evaluation of FAPESP Programs
The 'added value'
researchers: the impact of doctorate holders on economic development
Adriana Bin, Sergio Salles-Filho, Fernando A.B. Colugnati, Fábio Rocha Campos.
Auriol, L. et al. (2016), "The Science and Technology Labor Force: The Value of Doctorate Holders and Development of Professional Careers", Springer. -
Employment, research performance and decentralization: The experience and
perspectives of doctorate holders in Brazil
Adriana Bin, Ana M. Carneiro, Sergio Salles-Filho, Fernando A. B. Colugnati
Sci Public Policy (2015) 42 (5): 646-660. 19 January 2015. -
does it make? Impact of peer-reviewed scholarships on scientific production
Adriana Bin, Sergio Salles-Filho, Luiza Maria Capanema, Fernando Antonio Basile Colugnati.
Scientometrics, February 2015, Volume 102, Issue 2, pp 1167–1188. -
A propensity
approach in the impact evaluation on the scientific production in Brazilian biodiversity
the BIOTA Program
Fernando A. B. Colugnati, Sergio Firpo, Paula F. Drummond de Castro, Juan E. Sepulveda, Sergio L. M. Salles-Filho.
Scientometrics, October 2014, Volume 101, Issue 1, pp 85–107. -
Avaliação de programa
de apoio
à infraestrutura de ciência, tecnologia e inovação: Equipamentos Multiusuários (EMU), da
Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento e Avaliação 2012
Paula F. D. de Castro, Fernando A. B. Colugnati, Luiz F. R. Vazzoler, Carolina T. Rio, Fábio R. Campos, Camila Zeitoum, Sergio L. M. Salles-Filho.
IV Seminário da Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento e Avaliação, Rio de Janeiro, 2012. -
Aplicação do Método
Quase-experimental para Avaliação de Resultados e Impactos de Programas de CT&I : um
estudo a
partir do Programa BIOTA/FAPESP
Sergio L.M. Salles-Filho, Paula Drummond de Castro, Camila Zeitoum, Fernando Colugnati, Juan Ernesto O.S. Alonso, Sergio Pinheiro Firpo.
XI Congreso Latino-Americano de Gestión Tecnológica, Puebla, Mexico, 2011. -
Avaliação de Programas
Fomento à Pesquisa no Brasil: O caso do Programa Equipamentos Multiusuários da FAPESP
Carolina Rio, Sergio Salles Filho, Solange Corder, Maria Isabel Vélez, Luiz Vazzoler.
XI Congreso Latino-Americano de Gestión Tecnológica, Puebla, Mexico, 2011. -
Evaluation of
Biodiversity Research Program
Sergio L. M. Salles Filho, Paula Felício Drummond de Castro, Camila Zeitoum, Fernando Colugnati, Fabio Perin de Sá
IAIA11 Conference Proceedings Impact Assessment and Responsible Development for Infrastructure, Business and Industry.
31st Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Puebla, Mexico, 2011. -
Evaluation of ST&I programs: a methodological approach to the Brazilian
Business Program and some comparisons with the SBIR program
Sergio Salles-Filho, Maria Beatriz Bonacelli, Ana Maria Carneiro, Paula F Drummond de Castro, Fernando Oliveira Santos.
Research Evaluation (2011) 20 (2): 159-171. 01 June 2011. -
Parque de Equipamentos de Pesquisa -
Geraldo Di Giovanni, Helena Maria Cunha do Carmo Antunes, Eugênia Maria Reginato Charnet, Jocimar Archangelo.
FAPESP, 2007. -
Assessment of
scientific programs: a necessary procedure for Brazilian scientific policy – the Young
Program of the State of São Paulo Research Foundation
Carlos A. de Pian e Rogerio Meneghini.
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2007) 79(3): 543-562.