
Scientific And Technological Cooperation Agreement FAPESP – UKRI Versão em português

Third Amendment

Third Amendment to the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation signed on 15 September 2009 between Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Rua Pio XI, 1500 - Alto da Lapa, CEP 05468-901 - São Paulo/SP, Brazil, represented by Prof. Dr. Marco Antonio Zago, President, and Research Councils UK, now known as UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1ET, United Kingdom, represented by Andrew Thompson, Executive Chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (hereinafter "FAPESP") and United Kingdom Research and Innovation (hereinafter “UKRI”), hereinafter referred to as "Parties";

WHEREAS, the Parties desire to alter the Original Agreement started on 15 September 2009,

CONSIDERING the First Amendment signed on September 26, 2012, modifying Section 6 concerning the termination date,

CONSIDERING the Second Amendment signed on December 14, 2015, modifying Section 2 concerning the peer review process, and Section 6 concerning the termination date,

AGREE to include the clause mentioned below, as follows:

"Section 7) The Parties agree that proposals submitted before the date of the termination of This Cooperation Agreement will be considered eligible, and, if approved, shall receive funding until their completion”.

Except as expressly provided for this Third Amendment, the remaining provisions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.

The Parties are in agreement and have signed this Third Amendment in duplicate. 

Date 12/14/2018